304. About Oppression & If We Can Stop It


Can oppression lead to insight? I know it sounds horrible, but let’s take a step back from our current traumas, fears or even disasters related to oppression. And for the sake of this article, I would like to broadly open it up to any and all kinds of oppression, even ones which are relatively “harmless” in comparison to other world events and experiences. We can unintentionally oppress others in very small, simple ways. Not inviting someone to your birthday party can be oppressive, if your intention is to ensure that this said person will not and cannot be a part of your popular “clique”. Oppression happens in relationships, friendships, families and workplace environments. It’s pervasive, because it’s a projection of one’s own negative energy. Their insecurities and their fears. We often times jump to a conclusion of hate, however like I said before, hate is not the opposite force of love. Fear is. We are ultimately sad, fractaled human beings all struggling in our own ways. This hate is somewhat of a monster which is grown from it. You know?

So let’s talk a little bit more about the specifics surrounding this oppression. I think we can also include things that people are intimidated about you, perhaps even what they dislike. Essentially, overall, what they’re trying to control. One would have to think… why is this the case? Is it because this type of energy sequence is triggering a fear within them? This is likely the case. Your energetic signature is emitting a substantial amount of power, which is not just infuriating but threatening and intimidating to the future. We know this is the case, because naturally as people, we like to find ourselves in alliances to protect ourselves. When we discover someone else has something that we want and don’t have, or they are “better” than us, we decide it’s time to attack. And that attack isn’t always war. Sometimes it’s oppression in order to benefit us. That can certainly be the case. In all instances of slavery, there is oppression at the hands of an abuser to benefit them. This is essentially from a metaphysical perspective, a means of warping, changing or controlling energy in a negative way. This is of course not just sad, but incredibly dangerous. But not dangerous in the way that you may think. While it’s threatening to those who are being abused, it sets an energetic precedence. A wrinkle in time, if you will. This can take decades, if not centuries to unwind. And it’s chalked up to brainwashing and conditioning. Even if we decide to “erase” our memories over night, we may still be left with ancestry trauma through our DNA. It doesn’t leave, until it’s transmuted. And the trick about this and karma, is that it needs to be transmuted on both sides. Yes, that means the victims must heal I’m order for the energy to transmute. And this can be a hard pill to swallow.

The intention of this post isn’t to focus on overcoming trauma, although it’s a worthy cause. It’s actually asking the question if oppression can be stopped before it’s started. Can we pinpoint the intention of oppression? Is it love? Abundance and finance? Consider that there are so many things distilled from large, overarching themes that we can fixate on. But the point is. Whatever those adverse to you are trying to control or stop, means that you have a super power. And if that means I’m talking to the abuser in this situation, it’s a call to realize you do have strengths, and there’s no need to abuse or control. That’s not to say that I’m going to solve the worlds problems with this sentiment, but you may be oppressing and not even know it.

Lean into what others are afraid of. And if you’re part of a marginalized group, what are others thematically trying to take control of. What are they afraid of? Divine feminine energy? Spirituality? Knowledge or wisdom? What do you feel is truly true? Consider that divine masculine energy is pervasive right now. But why? And what can be done to change it?

I think that part of the conversation that we aren’t interested in talking about is healing trauma and abuse. I realize metaphysically that despite any trauma I’ve incurred as a result of my gender, I’m responsible for healing my own and helping to heal the divine masculine only for the sole reason that changing this planet is at times, more important than myself. Because I am mortal. But if I can change energy patterns which come before me, that will be worth it.

This barely scratches the surface of all of the ideas and nuances that go into oppression, however I suspect that everyone has their own unique and individual ideas. Consider how this is relevant to you and how you may be interested in exploring or leveraging these topics.


305. Start Intuiting & Dissecting Hunger


303. Are Mediums Pro-Birth?