306. Stick Up For People Unlike You
We have a tendency to stick around people who are like us. This is somewhat of a wise metaphysical decision, as often times those who are like us are striving to accomplish the same goals. It makes sense, and it of course, can be valuable. But at some point, we need to branch out. Often times we need to be energetically or intuitively ready, which can be a bit of a scary thing. Of course, you don’t want to overwhelm yourself. But there’s so much knowledge and information (as well as energy) which can be shared, as a result. Consider how soul-fulfilling it is to travel, and meet other people. In some ways, it reminds you that the world is so incredibly big, and that you’re not so alone.
I laugh at videos of those who stick up for others online, because they get a lot of attention. But they have true, spiritual meaning. Sticking up for others, particularly in the face of adversity, has a lot of benefits. Not just for that person, and others, but also for yourself. Let’s talk about it:
For the other person: This is pretty obvious, as the person will receive energetic backing, support, and they may even feel comfortable transmuting this energetic trauma, because they feel safe. They are less likely to retreat, meaning less likely to reject or repress this negative energy. They may feel more comfortable overall being their most authentic selves.
For everyone else: Consider that in some ways, you’re “changing the matrix” or setting a new precedent. It’s almost like a ripple in time. Going against what’s expected or preconceived notions. It can encourage others to do the same. It essentially breathes conscious light into a situation. It’s great! Adversely, depending on how this is acted out, it can hypothetically cause others to retreat into rejection/repression and shame, so it’s important that this is done out of a place of love, and not fear or negativity.
For yourself: Here’s where it gets good. When you stick up for others, you join energetic alliances, which you may not have had before. Essentially, you become better connected. You have someone else’s back, and if they accept it, they’ll have your back, too. I’m not saying this is guaranteed for every situation, but the more lines you cross, the more you’re likely to get a helping hand. When you have positive and diverse energetic alliances, you have friends in many places. Not a bad thing.
Why do people not do this? Well, consider this. If you form an energetic alliance with someone unlike you, those who are like you may see you as somewhat of a threat. They may retreat into a place of fear. So you can somewhat bring yourself into a “no man’s land”. But that no man’s land is really your own land. You get to decide how you want to conduct yourself, energetically. You don’t have to lean on other people or have them take on your own responsibilities. Being confident and self-assured means that you can stick up not just for yourself, but other people as well. In my opinion, that’s the asterisk of the definition of strength. It’s not just about you, it’s about others as well.