307. Why Astrology Is As Real As Anything


There’s a lot of discourse surrounding astrology, and it makes sense. People who believe in astrology think that those who don’t are stupid, and vice versa. It just is what it is. There will always be dichotomy. And with believing or not believing in astrology, there is of course… dichotomy.

It is kind of odd that there is so much hate around astrology, because astrology is essentially just a belief practice. It’s kind of like… a religion, if you will, although I don’t personally feel like it’s a religion. But we’re very tolerant of each others’ beliefs, generally, which makes me wonder what the big deal is? There obviously is something triggering about astrology. I think in general, we know that astrology is a widely used practice, even by billionaires, so it’s odd that people are so against it. Part of this conversation is that astrology is fake, can’t be proven (but again, so are many things, even things we consider to be fact), so that can’t be it. But also, there’s a conversation surrounding other people judging each other based on astrology. Well, we judge each other all the time, for much simpler reasons than astrology. Which makes me realize, it’s a bigger/larger discussion surrounding not just beliefs, but introspection, as well.

The fact of the matter is, astrology isn’t just a classification or a categorization, but there’s responsibility tied to each and every one of these things. If you are ever in a point or place where you deny any sort of sense of responsibility, you may be adverse to astrology. Additionally, if you reject introspection or even classification of energy as a whole, you’re also likely adverse to it. If we deduce astrology down to what it actually is, it’s energetic meaning and classification. Sometimes we don’t want to find meaning in energy, which is primarily a divine feminine aspect or trait, and if we don’t want energy classified, it’s likely that we also don’t want to take responsibility for our own energies, or others as well.

But why is astrology as real as anything? Mainly because we have no idea how we got here, who we truly are, why we’re in fact here, or much about anything that we know about, including other people, as well as the majority of this planet, as well as the much much majority of the universe around us. It’s kind of ironic that we have such a level of arrogance about anything and everything. Perhaps it’s such a widely accepted topic, that anything in which we don’t subscribe to us is ever bounced back at us, we cannot fathom it or handle it. And that’s kind of fucked up.

So let’s talk about this ambiguous thing, which is really just sitting in a room of all other ambiguous things. Now you may be thinking, Sarah, there are physical things which are quantifiable. When everyone looks up at the sky, they see blue. While this is only relative to a certain amount of people, because we all see color differently, and some not at all, there is truth in collective alignment. But there’s also truth in collective alignment amongst things which aren’t physical. We align on goals, morals, values, happiness, peacefulness, etc. We align on high vibes, health, love, and more. We don’t see any of these things, however we have a mutual trust between all of us as humans, that these things do exist, and we understand the feeling behind them. In some ways, this is really no different from astrology.

So how did astrology develop? Quite simply, it was deductions based on patterns. Is that not anything and everything we know to be true? Even math is deductions based on patterns. Math isn’t real. Math is a formulaic deduction of patterns. Nothing is real, but simultaneously, everything and anything is real, so long as we believe it. Despite this type of a belief system or understanding/acceptance shaking up our need for sustainment and control, I find hat it’s incredibly liberating, but also, integral for the evolution of our species. We must know that anything and everything is malleable and continuing to change, in order to accept new energies as they grow, evolve, emerge and develop. We must be “ready” and not rooted in our beliefs.

I think the problem is, we need to start looking at the world differently. The way that we look and understand the world is deductive. Even predicting the future is largely based on deduction. But we lack perception. And this is where divine feminine energy comes in. This is where spiritual energy comes in, mental/emotional energy comes in. If we can be more perceptive about our issues and problems, we can start evolving rapidly. When we are too deep into divine masculine energy and matrixed reality, we inevitably stunt our physical world. And it is because it’s our thoughts, feeling sand emotions which drive our physical actions. We can have great technology, but not the people to build it or operate it. We can have all of the physical capability to create, but no creativity, because creativity is a spiritual art form. Our connection to these thoughts and ideas is the wind in the sails. It propels us forward, it moves us. Consider your interpretation of real, or your relationship with it. Would it hurt to think of it more fluidly? I doubt it. In fact, it may help. I find that this is aligned to open-mindedness and acceptance, after all.


308. Resonation Is More Powerful Than Facts & Figures


306. Stick Up For People Unlike You