308. Resonation Is More Powerful Than Facts & Figures


I talk a lot about the value of mental/emotional and spiritual health. But not just our alignment to it, the entire collective’s, as well. I talked about how the COVID crisis made us as a collective realize that we are nog aligned to facts and figures. But why is this? Of course there are multiple reasons to doubt, but I find that we are not transmuting our old, negative or stagnant energy enough. We’re totally over inundating ourselves with what we are afraid of. Scared of. Or can’t release. I do feel that on a subconscious level, we understand that there’s more working behind the scenes than simply what we perceive at face value. The physical manifestation of any and all energies existing in the universe are culminating into just one, very tiny prism/aspect, which is our physical reality. In some ways, that’s what I find our subconscious to be. The observation of energies which are not necessarily relative or apparent from our preconceived notions. 

I also talk a lot about deduction versus perception. Deduction is primarily divine masculine energy as well as contraction/physical reality perception, and perception is primarily divine feminine, abstract/spiritual integration, focused on the mental and emotional. I do feel that shifting our world view to be more perception oriented will ultimately help us problem solve, rather than deducing which can ultimately be quite repetitive and loop-oriented. Essentially, doomed to repeat the same cycles over and over again. But… regardless.

There’s a clear understanding as to how resonation can be more important than facts and figures. There are always anomalies, as people are anomalies. I’m sure you can think of times when/where you didn’t fit the “statistical” mold. Hopefully it’s in a positive way. Whether you received medical advice which was practical, yet not applicable. Whether there was an expectation that you wouldn’t succeed, but you did. All of us every single day perform “miracles”, but often times these things become overshadowed or overpowered by the negative. But they are still certainly there, and true. We are not statistics, and it’s important that we aren’t treated that way, and we don’t treat ourselves that way.

Often times, we’re faced with multiple solutions to a problem. I use medicine as an example, because it’s something that is consistent, which many of us deal with. In order to “cure” or treat your illness, you likely need to cycle through a variety of options. But when facts and figures fails you, such as they all have a similar success rate, which one do you choose? What if you only get one shot at it? How do you personalize your care? We use a level of discernment, which is guided by our intuition. This isn’t solely related to this area of life. We use our own intuition and discernment always, with multiple decisions.

This is what leads us to the topic of this conversation. There’s something which is more important to us on an individual level- resonation. I’m sure you can think of multiple times when/where a person was faced with facts, however they leaned into their resonation instead. This isn’t always a bad thing. Information can change immediately. Energy is always shifting. If we don’t have perception, we never can or will be able to keep up. A common argument against this statement is that we need to be informed and aligned as a collective. This is true. But there’s always a need for exceptions, personalization and individuality. We cannot live as people under one blanket guideline. It’s not realistic, and it’s not possible. I personally find that the antidote to this problem is aligning to our most authentic self, and transmuting this negative energy, but that’s a separate process.

A common thing that I think about is brainwashing. Consider that there’s a point in time when/where you’re taken from your reality (or perhaps this started at the time of your birth) where you were essentially… brainwashed. You were made to feel and think a certain way. Perhaps you were faced with “fake” facts or figures. Or simply old ones. You lost your sense of autonomy, control and power. How does one get out of this situation? The answer is aligning to their intuition. I find hat a strongly aligned sense of intuition can prevent you from getting into situations which strip you of your identity and authority as a human beings. We cannot externally localize our sense of control, or else we will be control Facts and figures are here to guide us and inform us, but not to direct us on how to live our lives. Because it just simply won’t work.

There’s no such thing as perfect, and I do feel that we need a solid balance. However, with the pervasive controlling energies being divine masculine, it can be harder for us to lean into this sense of intuition. Particularly with capitalism and our economy. It’s important to set this intention and consider all factors when making a decision. I have a bunch of articles going into these topics individually, which can also provide some guidance and support.


309. The Best Way To Get Over A Breakup


307. Why Astrology Is As Real As Anything