32. Why Pandemics Exist: Opposing Forces


Before I begin, I want to be super clear that there are infinite reasons for the conception and pervasiveness of COVID, unrelated to this concept and theory. Many of which I also believe in. I do like to believe there’s almost always more than one “reason” for things to happen, as we are constantly in flux energetically with our surroundings.

The foundation for this theory is the idea that nature has proactive energy. What’s proactive energy? Well, pretty simply it’s the opposite of reactive. Consider most tangible, physical items in our world. It takes energy to move them. If I set up a bunch of dominos and I decide to push one over, the domino at the end of the line isn’t going to pop out in anticipation of it falling. Each domino falls one after the other. Therefore, many physical, tangible items are a result of reactive energy. 

So what’s proactive? Proactive is intelligent. Proactive is consciousness. All living beings are proactive in a sense that they observe ideas, thoughts and patterns, deduce information, and react accordingly. We have intelligence that a hurricane is about to occur due to weather patterns and its inception in other areas of the world.

Say for example you’re out in public someone is extremely mad at you, looking for a fight. Maybe they told one of their other friends they want to fight you and you overhear. Perhaps you observe the expression on their face and can predict what they will do next. Maybe you even intuitively feel what’s going to happen. If this person comes over to hit you, you can see it with your own two eyes and as a result, create a proactive plan. You can dodge the punch or fight back. You don’t just sit there and get hit, unless you want to. You have proactive energy, unlike the dominos.

So let’s talk about nature. Due to the fact that nature is a sustained ecosystem, it has no choice but to have proactive energy. In other words, one natural effect does not happen halfway across the world which creates a domino effect. The sun shines, the wind and ocean move, while millions of other organisms act accordingly. Everything works with each other suggesting nature is conscious. It runs on some type of code or pattern not only propelling itself forward continuing these patterns, but adapting and evolving as well. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes and hurricanes all exist as byproducts of an energetic ecosystem which helps to create balance as well as push our matrixed reality forward. Nature puts emphasis into what will survive, and likely backs out of what it may know won’t. The fact that each and every location has its own energy, nature and ecosystem is proof that there are multiple facets and aspects of nature working together to create a sustainable world for us to live in.

So we can reasonably understand that nature, humans, animals, etc. all have intelligent or proactive energy. So what’s the point? The aspects of proactive energy. Like we just talked about, proactive energy anticipates and create balance. But what would cause anticipation and reaction? And what would be the need for balance?

Personally, I feel nature is coded to survive, regardless. And I don’t just mean the plants and the trees. I simply mean an inhabitable environment which sustains life. However this does boil down to the earth.

In order to sustain and preserve life, nature needs to anticipate threats or oppositions to balance and counteract this energy. I feel this is often why there are so many natural disasters. There is some There is some type of unnatural balance in which earth energy is trying to correct.

Same goes for humans. If within a group of humans, one in particular is a threat to the rest of the humans, that particular human will likely be removed at the will of others. Perhaps it’s single person vs. Group mentality. The humans or consciousness which takes up the most “room” or is the most amount of people, or is creating and sustaining the most energy which by proxy will sustain the most life, the more prioritization their energy will have. I think that this theory can span many different ideas, concepts and themes.

It’s clear to me that covid is the result of a threat. If nature has intelligent energy, under no circumstances would it allow for the virus to be created, sustain itself and thrive. Earth energy would not create something which would act as its own parasite. But we can ultimately determine what is the parasite by observing who or what is being affected by it most.


As humans continue to become a threat to our ecosystem, it’s not surprising that nature would incubate a solution to the opposing force that we are. And I get that it sounds conspiracy-related or even cynical, but this is precisely what’s being observed. It’s simply backtracking the end result.

Opposing forces create proactive energy which seeks to eliminate threat. And it’s likely that we are the threat.

There’s a lot more to this subject, particularly COVID symptoms related to our energetic bodies and what has been a result of this virus, but this description goes into cause related to opposing forces only. I’m looking forward to investigating more channeled information, patterns and impressions related to Covid in order to deduce concepts and themes, and hopefully provide some valuable information to the collective.


33. Improve Fear Of Death


31. Common Signs From Your Spirit Guides