315. Are Non-Binary People More God-Like?
I feel like since the beginning of my intuition opening up, this has been an interesting topic for me. In fact, I feel like I’ve approached the subject numerous times. Even sitting down to write this article I’m like… what an old discussion!
So let’s clarify what we mean here. There are likely multiple types of associations that can fall under this category. Non-binary is one of them, but also anything which is related to gender fluidity is another. Essentially, not binary in either direction permanently, or not permanently. You don’t assign yourself a gender. And I’m sure that how that can look can certainly vary person to person.
So why on earth would this be the case? Secondly, we should clarify what god-like is. From a metaphysical perspective, god is “whole”, it’s “everything”. God is not binary, as god, whether personified or not, encompasses all living creatures and things. So of course it is possible that you may den or not align to this description. In which case, this might be a hard read.
I talk a lot about fractal theory which is how and why we exist as humans. If we believe that any and all of us are energetically connected in order to exist or co-exist with each other, we must assume that we all “originated” or continue to exist and remain connected on one energetic wavelength or one energetic plane. It’s true that there may be multiple different dimensions, but energy goes beyond the physical realm. As we know, it cannot be created nor destroyed. In some way shape or form, we are all energetic “fractals” of a larger whole, essentially just bopping around. To put this into more physical terms, those who believe in spirituality, believe that we have past, present and future lives, as well as a “higher self” which remains connected on the other side. Even now, we are fractaled. In my opinion, fractal theory is less of a theory and more of a fact. It’s really one of the only ways we can explain our existence here to this day from a metaphysical perspective.
We observe that in our physical state, we are not just dense, but fractaled as well. We know this because we have limited understanding of what happens before or after we die. We are not just fractaled energetically, but we’re fractaled spiritually as well. We’re in this simulated matrixed reality. Even as people, we only have “part” of ourselves. Part of what we need to operate on this planet. This is why we rely on others for multiple things. We rely on animals, nature, etc. We are not truly ‘whole” physically here in this lifetime.
If we look at the pyramid of fractals, we start with 1 or 0 and we sprawl out to infinity. The higher up we go, the less fractals there are. Until we get to 4, then 2, then 1 or 0. So when we do not live in these fractals, and we more so live in a place of overcoming dichotomy, we are theoretically closer to source. We start to “skip” levels of fractals, and we also become more whole/less fractaled. When different dimensions of energetic existence are channeled, the one remarkable difference is the lack of density. The lack of “stuff” which brings you closer to source. The more “stuff” there is in general, the more fractaled you likely are. This is why higher dimensions or more source-oriented dimensions are less dense in general.
As a whole, when we are not in a fractaled mindset or a dichotomy state, we are closer to source mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. We are “overcoming” our lack of, here in this lifetime. We are blending dichotomy, and not living so much into unique and individual fractals. We are essentially bypassing the necessity for them. It’s hard to say why fractals or dichotomy is even necessary. Also, to clarify, masculine and feminine are the specific examples of dichotomy that we’re talking about here.
When we choose not to be in these fractals, we not only accept lack of dichotomy, structure and ideology, but we’re also brave enough to push against the norm. This is truly, evolution. And in my opinion, evolution is god-like. Evolution is the only way to loop out of the problems that we’re unintentionally caused ourselves. Continued motion is the wavelength of energy, which is always in motion. So this is also, ironically god-like.