316. Our Problems Are Like An Onion
This is somewhat of a short and sweet post (quite different from the onion analogy in general). I guess onions can be short and sweet, though.
So what exactly. is this talking about? At any given point in time, you may find that you can “locate” a couple, or maybe a lot of problems in your life. They can be large problems, they can be small problems. Maybe you don’t even really perceive them to be problems. They could just be issues, nuisances, or things which feel out of alignment to you. But regardless, for you in particular, they are, or it is, a problem.
Logically, these problems would be solved, no? Of course there are some which are works in progress, they cannot be solved at this very moment, etc. But you may consider that there are some “recurring” problems, even if they have manifested in different ways over the course of your life. Perhaps they are more mental/emotional patterns or struggles that you go through. It’s the things that keep coming up no matter where you truly are physically.
So, logically, if a problem is theoretically solvable, we would solve it, right? Well, here’s where it gets complicated. We aren’t the best at solving our own problems for several reasons. Perhaps we can start with our own bias, but it ends with us having some type of fear of the change. We may be afraid to move forward with the solution, because we’re perhaps not just afraid of the repercussion, but the path getting there. Our new reality. Whenever you notice that there’s a problem which is being perpetuated, you can theoretically assume that you have not yet set the intention to accomplish or achieve it, at least seriously, and/or are not yet on the path to resolving it. You can check out my post on how to transmute negative energy for some guidance and insight.
I do find that part of the reason that we tend to hyper-fixate on our problems is in order to distract ourselves from the “root cause”. Here is where the onion analogy comes in. If we theoretically say that the incepted problem in our live, perhaps a disconnect with our spirituality is the “bulb” of the onion, we go throughout life “protecting” this wounded part of ourselves. We may put up this armor year after year, and then, we develop the base around this onion. The outer part of the onion, at any given time, is really all that we are consciously aware of. But when we go to “fix” the outer part of this onion, we may be peeling off a layer, but feel like we’re not getting anywhere. This is because we have so many more layers to go through, depending on when the problem’s inception occurred. This is why it’s strategically more wise to “nip it in the bud” and remove or release the inner part of this onion. As a result, the outer layers will simply fall away. They are really nothing without the bulb or base of this onion. Now why is this particularly difficult? You are likely not consciously aware of what the problem is, meaning that you may be going years searching for an answer and not finding it. If you’re too deep in the physical or “matrix” of life, you may feel that your emotions or your mental state is “fine” and may not need to be tampered with. More importantly, there can be a fear in absolving the bulb, because of how large the onion has become. This onion is whether you like it or not, a part of you. And removing it will likely feel like death.
The process or healing and helping ourself may feel impossible, because of this “onion” effect. But unfortunately ,it’s hard to remain in layer purgatory. In other words, you tend to remain in motion, so you’re either adding layers, or you’re peeling back on them. So the choice is yours of what to do. Personally, I would suggest releasing them or peeling back on them.
These energetic “onions” can become safety for us. We must not associate the build-up of our energy to “protect” this wounded part of ourselves as a good idea. We must transmute the wound in order to not “collect” other energies, therefore, unintentionally, exacerbating the problem. Release is the only way to go.