318. Afraid Of Negative Entities? Don’t Be.
I talk quite a bit about negative entities, quite frankly because I think i”m the only one talking about them in a somewhat normal way, but I want to more specifically talk about the fear of either seeing, feeling, hearing and/or somehow coming into contact with negative entities. Let’s not even talk about the idea of them attaching themselves to us.
It’s somewhat a “worst fear” kind of a situation, right? Seeing a demon, or the devil. At least that’s what horror movies have us believe. But the truth is, we see demons and “the devil” out in real life, all the time. They are humans, just like us. Just because something isn’t physical, doesn’t mean that it’s energetically so different from us, after all.
There’s lots of conversations about demons hurting us, so I want to dive into this a little bit more. The way that negative entities hurt us is simply attaching themselves onto us and warping our perception value. It’s really no different than hearing negative feedback or seeing something negative. It’s kind of like existing in a negative world or having a negative interaction, except this negative interaction just so happens to be “stuck” to your energetic body. It’s certainly not ideal, but not the worst thing in the world. The way that the idea of negative entities hurts us the most is the sense of fear. Negative entities can and do exist off of our fear, because they can’t really do much else in a given moment. And to be honest, they really don’t want to. What’s the point for them? Consider it like humans. Yes, there are times where there are random acts of violence displayed upon other humans, but it’s a lot less common than the subliminal ways we abuse and treat others. For our own gain, it’s wiser to take advantage of others and/or use their energy in a way which is unknown to them, and benefits us. After all, “The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist.” Brilliant, right?
And of course, many people think I’m either paranoid or fear-mongering by even just acknowledging the existence of negative entities. I do want to be clear that negative entities can just be negative energies. They don’t have to be personified. Any time we think negative thoughts or unintentionally (or intentionally) project our fears and negativity out into the universe, it can “stick” to other people, places and things. That, in theory, is a negative entity.
So let’s go back to what negative entities really want. The ones or things which have more consciousness, tend to want to use the energy of others, or have them do their bidding. Sounds very horror-movie like, but consider it’s not in the face of “evil” or to benefit some super-villain. Entities are just like us. They are kind of… just trying to “survive”. Just as we need help from others inevitably in the physical world, spirits can also need help, as well. Other negative energies can unintentionally be “trapped” by us. When we are receiving this negativity and not releasing it. In other words, repressing it and rejecting it, we are actually the ones accidentally perpetuating it out. So in some instances we are not responsible, and in other instances, we inevitably are.
The title of this post is to not be afraid of attracting negative energies. Part of the reason for this is that we already are. They aren’t big bad creatures, like in the movies. It’s constant, it’s every day, and it’s a byproduct of exposing yourself to life. And the more negative they are, typically the more they have to teach us. Inevitably, negative energy helps us learn, evolve and grow. Additionally, our fear is what attracts negativity through law of attraction. I know it’s a bit less simple than “just don’t be afraid”, but, definitely keep it in mind.
Negativity is a reality of life. It comes in different forms. Human and non-human. Person and non-person. Around us, attached to us, and even inside of us. When we reach a level of acceptance, we’re not just externally accepting, but we’re internally accepting as well. Consider if your fear of the outside and the unknown may just be a reflection of the fear of the negativity you have inside yourself. And before you come at me, let’s get real. None of us are perfect. But those who may be more closer to being “perfect” are the best transmuters of energy. You heard it here! So please, don’t be afraid of negative entities. Even if they are attached to you. You’ve given them a home. And you’re a great host, i’m sure. But it’s time to let them go. Maybe this humor and playfulness can make you feel more comfortable, lol.