319. What’s The Greatest Threat To Mankind?
People like Elon Musk seem to think our greatest threat to mankind is lack of population replenishment. In other words, we’re not making enough babies to replace the aging population. I’d like to throw my hat in the ring with another perspective or point of view. I don’t feel that this is a problem, in fact this to me, feels like a natural life cycle. I’m much more concerned with other issues.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out the most high level issue that we can think of in terms of our people and our planet or our matrixes reality, whatever you want to call it. Which is that we have billions of people living here, and seemingly as time goes on, we become more and more fractaled or silo’d into our own lives, our own views and our own spheres. This fracturing is led none other than anyone and everyone influencing, creating or managing any type of electronic, meta verse or matrixed reality space. Now, I’m not sit-in there saying that alternate or false realities will be the downfall of humankind, but in a certain timeline, they are. The more false realities that we have which are interwoven with our already matrixes reality, not only distance ourselves from physical reality, but also our source or class consciousness. It essentially “muddies” the water and prevents us from having a direct relationship with both parts. In other words, it causes a lot of chaos, confusion and anxiety because our energetic flow is not from one point to the other. It’s wracking around like a gigantic pinball machine with practically no place to go because it’s become so intertwined in our everyday life. Can the metaverse be used for good? yes. Will it? I don’t know. Not at the rate of our current evolutionary process, because I’ve been on social media. That’s not a dig to people on social media, that’s a dig to most people alive.
The problem with stating that earth replenishment is the biggest problem is that one, it’s physical and two, it’s quantitative. We’re completely lacking the intention for not wanting to reproduce, which is a great segue into the mental and emotional aspects of our society and what’s being left out of this entire conversation. We can expect a replenishment or possibly even an expansion of humankind without really understanding the damage and destruction to be caused by a world in which is solely intended to replenish. I personally believe that the lack of reproduction is not just based in want and desire on an individual level, but also on a subconscious class consciousness level. If we continue to reproduce without will or want, not only will our problems of being silo’d as a collective remain, but they’ll actually become quite enhanced. I would suspect a lot of death and destruction as a result. We’re simply perpetuating the problem, if not adding to it. If we turn into a world where we’re unwilling or not wanting to be alive, we’re not wanting to align with the collective, and we generally just refuse to get on board, the potential for strain on our resources would be damning. On top of that, we would be much more primed for a situation in which we were required or forced to release or relinquish control for our resources, which is personally where I suspect we are as a global planet. We must come into better control and balance with our resources. We much have an equal exchange of energy. Right now, I’m not entirely sure that’s so. We as people will subconscious know, understand and determine the queried or “right” population of earth and energy. It’s what we do, and what we have done.
I suspect that the denial of this fact would simply be that as humans we would simply “figure it out”. But I suspect that pressure on mankind to simply reproduce will put undue burden on people. We must focus on improving ourselves improving our relationship with our environment as a whole before we continue to perpetuate people here on earth. It’s also incredibly important that we harness our relationship with meta verses, ai and technology, so that we do not use our matrixed realities as simply a projection of our fears and our negative selves. When we’re able to master these estates, we’ll have a much happier, healthier and easier time bringing humans here into the world. In the meantime, we cannot fall into a trap of simply replenishing for the sake of… replenishment. We will quite literally kill our species.