33. Improve Fear Of Death
It’s interesting to see fear of death become so pervasive in our society. Although death is an incredible unknown which makes total sense, unlike many other fears, it’s inevitable. It will happen to all of us. So why would we be so afraid? Perhaps we are afraid it will be untimely. That pain will be surrounded, or even suffering. Perhaps it’s leaving our loved ones or having our loved ones live here without us. But again, I think it’s all laddering up to fear of the unknown.
Death is the ultimate transition. Transitioning from one life to another. However not everyone sees it like that. The cruel irony is that some of the most anti-spiritual people I know are most afraid of death. Why? Nothing to be afraid of if you cease to exist…
I think there’s a reasonable amount of denial surrounding death. The most ultimate egregious thought process is that our problems disappear once we pass. It’s completely false. Although we will likely never live precisely the same life, our problems certainly stick with us after we pass and into another life. It’s incredibly complex and has aspects of past, present and future lives, but our karma is us, and we are our karma. There’s no sense in coming to earth to learn learning lessons if they “disappear” afterwards.
Often times I find the most spiritually evolved people are at peace with death. Personally, I’m not. I have fear surrounding not accomplishing enough before I pass. Virtually, this is still essentially a fear of death.
But let’s talk about the fear of dying itself. Although this can ladder up to several different concepts and themes, virtually the largest is transition. It’s likely that if you have a strong fear of death, you also have a fear of change or transition. Since every physical manifestation is a deduction of an overarching theme and concept, consider other areas or aspects of life which are challenging for you related to change and transition. Personally, I find that when you start to improve another physical manifestation of the same theme, it tends to buoy up all others. IT’s sort of like “cheating the system”. As a very brief and random example, let’s talk about weight loss. Say weight loss is your goal. There are multiple different ways to lose weight which will end up with the same result. If you didn’t want to diet, you could work out more or vice versa. Obviously this isn’t the perfect example, but you get the picture.
By addressing other areas in your life related to change and transition, you can by-proxy help alleviate some of your fear of death. Consider how you can improve change and transition. Perhaps you decide to “change up” certain areas of your life unexpectedly, or more often than not. Perhaps you start to escalate timelines for transitions. Consider ways that you get in a rut or feel “safe” related to change and transition. I guarantee there may be some change related or transitional things which you’ve been avoiding.
Even if you’re not convinced, by facing your fears as a whole, you’ll be more apt to face others. You’ll be more prepared, open-minded and able to face… whatever you want. It’s also simple inertia. Once you get going… you’re likely to stay going. Use this inspiration and motivation to push forward.
If you really can’t come up with much of anything, just continue working on facing your fears and taking proactive steps. Of course, remain safe and take calculated risks, but I sense you will know what your biggest “weakness” or fear is just by reading this. And of course, be sure to seek out a licensed professional if this is something serious you’re dealing with. Often times this can be a symptom of a larger issue, so you’ll want to address it promptly.