34. The Simplest Thing We Overlook


Ok, maybe the title is a bit of clickbait, but hear me out. The amount of times I’ve heard the mantra “have gratitude” is never ending. It has almost become trite. On top of that, everyone “feels” grateful, but perhaps it’s knot acknowledged as much. But why acknowledge it if we already feel grateful? It’s a good question.

Without a doubt, gratitude is one of the highest vibrations of the universe. But why? Honestly, I’m not sure I have the answer. Is gratitude just another word for happiness, for joy? Joy as we know, is one of the highest vibrations of the universe, as it’s close to love. Perhaps that’s it'. Anything which remotely resembles love has an inherently high vibration. But what’s so significant about gratitude? Well, it’s one of the most relative concepts for our time here on earth.

When you access gratitude as a concept or emotion, you ultimately have found the most positive force out of a potentially terrible situation. Sometimes, it’s practically impossible. Even if you are faced with the most negative thing you can imagine, you can simply say “I experienced it”, or “I learned it”, or perhaps… “I’ll never need to experience this precise thing again”.

What you’ve essentially done is proactively transmuted energy. Negative energy comes in, and positive energy comes out. It’s the successful recycling and rehabilitation of energy. You win. It’s essentially… how to win at life.

When negative energy comes into our body, we have a few ways of dealing with it. But the most destructive way is to ignore it and repress it. It essentially sticks around in our body (as I perceive to be) as a negative energetic “orb”. Not only does it take up space to prevent any new, positive energy from coming in, but it also is a bit like a negative “filter” or “lens” that’s slightly distorted. Sort of like a bad prism. Since we can only filter new experiences through old experiences (as well as of course open-mindedness and optimism), if all we have lying around are positive experiences, it’s likely that we are going to see these new experiences as negative as well. It’s sort of a sick, self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s incredibly unproductive, painful and sad. Personally, I find that when we personify energy, it becomes a lot easier to understand it. I find that the ultimate goal is to add more positive experiences (orbs) to replace the negative ones (orbs). It’s simple math and addition/subtraction.

We proactively transmute energy everyday. We have to. Otherwise we would get caught up on the stupidest, silliest things. However sometimes we put ourselves in positions (either by choice or by force) where we ultimately have this behavior repeated multiple or several times. It becomes practically impossible to believe that another orb exists, as a result. 

It’s so important to have a sense of optimism and hope. How silly it would be to believe that there are only negative orbs out there, just because we have all of them. There are certainly positive ones, but our energetic distortion believes it isn’t so.

It’s certainly not something to be re-learned overnight, but here are the steps: 1. Acknowledgement 2. Taking steps to proactively transmute 3. Successfully recycling and rehabilitating energy.

So what can you do to proactively transmute negative energy? I can go into more detail regarding this in the future, but essentially you must seek out new experiences which are positive, and related to whatever topic the negative experiences are related to. Say you’ve had poor experiences in relationships. Unfortunately you’ll need to seek out new, positive experiences with relationships in order to transmute the negative ones. Now keep in mind, they don’t necessarily need to be romantic, even if that was the root of the problem. Having any type of successful relationship would do the trick. So long as it’s related to a similar overarching theme, you should be good to go.

Now I know that none of this sounds simple, hence I’m slowly straying away from my title. But it’s so simple to start. Whatever you’re struggling with, take a moment and find gratitude. It’s the catalyst for acknowledgement and acceptance. It’s the catalyst for proactively transmuting this energy. It puts you in a higher vibration overall. And honestly, it makes you feel better. Whatever you’re dealing with that’s negative, I urge you to find gratitude. From my perspective, only good can come from it.


35. Are Empaths Real?


33. Improve Fear Of Death