35. Are Empaths Real?


I have to admit… I’ve had a great time laughing at the TikTok’s making fun of empaths. An “empath” has historically been someone who is energetically sensitive, perhaps even psychic. Often times they “take on” others pain as if its their own. Depicted in pop culture, they are often times hyper-sensitive or “aware” of others and their surroundings. The negative side-effects may include being energetically drained, having difficulty being around others, and otherwise perhaps being very emotional. Even in some cases “taking on” the emotional, mental and spiritual burdens of others.

I admit that when this term first came to popularity several years ago, I was a bit skeptical. To me, it didn’t necessarily indicate someone who was hyper-sensitive, but someone who had issues processing external information. For example, someone who is energetically sensitive may certainly be sensitive, but they’re able to transmute this energy rather quickly. Even the biggest and baddest psychics and energetically sensitive people should theoretically be able to transmute any type of emotion (whether positive or negative) rather quickly and not “hang on” to it.

My first indication is that empaths aren’t empaths, they’re just not properly trained with releasing emotions. Otherwise, they would simply be energetically sensitive. However to be honest, the terminology I’m sure is a bit fluid and complicated. I do sense that those who are emotionally sensitive may take on these “empathic” traits. Some people are certainly overwhelmed by emotions more than other people. But I find this to be more so associated with past negative experiences and astrological birth charts. As an example, water signs may be more energetically sensitive than others, but theoretically should be able to process energetic information more quickly as water is their element.

It is interesting to dive deeper into it because I certainly consider myself sensitive to energy, but not empathic. Heck, I would hardly call myself empathetic. After all my chart is primarily comprised of earth and fire. 

The term “empath” has come under fire as people often times feel that some people use it as a way to put themselves ahead or before others. Perhaps to inflate their ego and make themselves seem “better” as if they are more intuitive and have more of a sense of what’s going on. Granted, any time someone does this, it’s likely to be off-putting, but I feel that the concept of someone being naturally intuitive should be celebrated. Perhaps it’s just about the approach.

I do truly feel that you can be energetically sensitive but not be plagued with the term “empath”. To be honest, I am not quite sure I resonate with the term itself. Often times I describe people as “empathic”, but it’s primarily an enhanced ability to feel others’ pain, or their thoughts, feelings or emotions. I would argue that I’m “empathic” because I have this ability.

Perhaps there’s no need for the term “empath” after all. And if there is, I suggest the PR person gives it a new makeover…


36. Are Twin Flames Real?


34. The Simplest Thing We Overlook