344. Free Will Versus Destiny
One of the greatest philosophical questions we ask ourselves is whether or not we have free will as humans, or if there is a pre-destined outcome for us.
But what I think people fail to realize is that our conscious self is not “all” of ourself. There are other factors at play, considering our other fractals. From a spiritual perspective, people often times refer to this as our “higher self”, all of the parts that exist beyond this realm. Even if you do not subscribe to a higher self, one must agree that there are certainly areas or aspects of our subconscious which we’re not always aware of or aligned to. So as we go through life, it is our subconscious that seems to be taking the reins, particularly at certain points. Considering there are lots of “parts” to ourselves, it would be irrational to think that our conscious self has free will, 100% of the time.
However, it is my belief that… we do have free will. If you ask any psychic or medium, chances are they will also align to this. Sure, there are some prophecies that can be made, but I personally don’t believe there’s ever a way to 100% predict what they are and can be. After all, there are billions, if not trillions of fractals of energy which are all coinciding with our world at one time. So which one wins out? We may never truly know. If we are all god, or parts of god, that means at any single given moment, we are deciding amongst ourselves. I suspect this is similar to how manifestation and intention setting works. Whoever has the highest bid or the strongest case… wins.
I like to say that our destiny is like a “pla”, as I do feel that we are aware of our incarnation, and there is energy behind it and surrounding us. We choose to come in at a certain time, on a certain day, and with a certain family. These are all choices, meaning that it is free will. In this sense, things which we may not perceive to be free will actually are.
But why should we have this free will? There’s theoretically no logic which would state that we don’t. After all, we are consciously choosing to do things each and every day. Again, there’s sometimes an unknowing, or even a “war” with our subconscious, but we are still making decisions. The only way we wouldn’t have free will or make these decisions is if we used our own free will to serve under someone else’s. Ironically, we do this alive and well every single day, depending on who we pledge our allegiances to, but that’s a different story. Our acceptance in this “game” is ultimately required. Particularly with how we are of a matrixed reality at this point in time, we would have already figured out that we were/are pawns in this game, I suspect. Particularly with how many people can channel and are intuitive.
I do wonder why people would feel one way or another. At times, the thought of being controlled easily puts you under control, meaning that you let go of a major amount of self-responsibility. It’s also a valid reason of explaining why things are the way they are, particularly if they are not to your favor. I suspect that the more high vibrational and successful you are, the more you subscribe to free will.
The best way that I can describe how psychics can predict information is similar to the car metaphor. If there is a car which is driving 150 mph down a road, there is an expectation that this car will crash into the mountain ahead. Channelers can read and pick up on this energy, as it still is intelligent and has intention. A channeler might suspect or assume that this car will crash. However, there are things that one can do to prevent the crash. But we all know that at some point… it’s too late. But there’s always an “emergency brake” so to speak. So although they have good guesses, no one knows exactly or precisely how it will go. Because again, the driver has free will.
One of the most interesting things that I come across is how we can all co-exist with each other in some way, based on how different our perception values are, as well as our goals and interests. I do feel that we are all connecting with each other subconsciously and on a telepathic level. This type of awareness may also be why some consider people to have no free will.
If we continue to think that our conscious state is the only aspect or element of our free will, I would have to agree that we do not have any. After all, there are so many other factors at play. Particularly when we breach the “unknown”, it’s easy to default to a certain ideology. But when we become more aware of energy and our own intuition, we realize that we are the gods and manifestors at the end of the day. We truly have the power. Consider continuing to align to your subconscious self through intuition exercises in order to bridge this gap, and become more confident in your role as an energetic being with free will. As we know from energy, it can be harnessed and directed, but it cannot be created nor destroyed. It’s alive and has its own energetic power, and of course… a mind of its own.