345. How To Avoid Getting Brainwashed
The essence of getting brainwashed is susceptibility. You are negating our free will and control, and allowing someone else to take the reins. From interviews with those in cults or other negative situations, many people were lost and looking to find themselves. However, intentionally or unintentionally, they allowed themselves to be preyed on by others.
Here’s the thing. Brainwashing goes beyond being a part of a cult. It’s likely that right now, you’re brainwashed. And that’s simply because you’ve never known a different life than you’ve had now. You’ve never known a different society than you experience now. If you have any form of a limiting belief that you can’t be something or something can’t happen, you may unintentionally be a victim of brainwashing, whether it be from those close to you, society as a whole, or even your own self. How may times have you told yourself that you can’t do something, when you perfectly well could?
So what are the benefits of being in a brainwashed state and out of it? Let’s start with being in one. For the most part, all of your decisions are taken care of for you. Even if someone isn’t directly giving you orders at every moment of the day, there’s a code of conduct or a set of rules in which you abide to. There can be limited freedom and control, but at the end of the day, it’s laddering up to or back to something or someone else. This can take a lot of pressure or responsibility off of you. There’s a sense of safety and security in it. And if you are incredibly lost, it kind of solves your issue. As you are again, pledging allegiance to someone or something. And the benefits of not being brainwashed? Put simply… true freedom.
However… true freedom can be a very scary thing. You’re on your own in the universe. You help yourself, you deal with your own problems, you understand things from a spiritual perspective. Don’t even think about diving in until you’ve healed some of the darker or darkest parts of yourself. Or else… they may just swallow you whole. Let’s talk about all of the ways to avoid being brainwashed:
Align to your intuition: Who knew this was coming??? Lol. I always say it. But why? When you align to your intuition you listen to your subconscious, deeper voice. You become one with the telepathic truth of the collective, as well as your own truth. You become aligned to your truest intentions and. desires. Maybe you won’t sacrifice for them, but acknowledgment and acceptance is a good start. Work on intuitive exercises to build this up.
Work on building up confidence: If you feel like you can’t do anything, you’re going to look out for people who can. Particularly people who are willing and wanting to run your life. If you’re in a state of despair, work on accomplishing smaller task to boost our confidence. You need to start small, rather than undertaking a huge project. This can also be helpful advice for those wanting to get out of an abusive situation. Success and achievement act as inertia for moving forward and tackling bigger, badder things.
Continuing to expand and look out for awareness: Curiosity may have killed the cat in that one or certain instances, but knowledge is power. The more you know about things, the more intel you have to take them down, or for you to separate yourself from it/them. Inspiration can act as education, as well. This can even be in TV and movies. There’s a reason why censorship exists, and the intention of who it benefits.
Hope, faith and optimism: Something which often times goes unnoticed or overlooked is this sentiment. While it’s true that there are sometimes spontaneous awakenings and run and break free events, if you find yourself in a redundant loop, this needs to be broken. And it’s primarily mental/emotional based. When you continue to feed into the negative feedback loop, you surrender your power. You solidify the allegiance. Even if it’s blind faith, keep it alive. Often times victims will have a sense of hope, faith and optimism. It’s not just acting as a statement of comfort, it’s allowing for a clear energetic channel. Without these thoughts and prayers, you can feel less in control, and you also lose intention setting and manifestation.
Proactive energy: It’s incredibly likely that you’re in a stagnant energetic place. This could mean that you’re feeling stunted, lazy or overall exhausted and tied. When we give away our energy to others, we don’t have much left. It’s important to prioritize ways that you can give energy back to yourself. Consider what methods of self-care are available to you. Although it’s likely you may be in a limited situation, do the absolute best with what you’ve got, and consider ways to improve this safely in the future.
Cord cutting: From a metaphysical perspective, Stockholm syndrome is a byproduct of an energetic cord. How could you possibly survive without it, as it has become a part of you? There needs to be an intention to cut the cord from either a person, group or organization. his can be particularly challenging because it feels like a part of you may be “dying”, and you’ll likely need to supplement with something or someone else. Do your best to temporarily mitigate these feelings of desperation and loneliness. Comfort yourself with acknowledgment that it’s only temporary and there’s a brighter future on the other side.
Mitigate fears of what’s on the other side: You ever hear people talk about how they don’t want to be healed or happy? Sometimes it’s true, because even in times of extreme discomfort, you’re proactively avoiding the “big drop”. The rock bottom of acknowledging your failures and dealing with your life. A lot of times, past demons can come back to haunt us, while they were at bay. Acknowledging that you’re willing to risk it all is an important intentional step.
There are so many unique ways to improve and prevent this process, but these do a good job of speaking to the overarching ones. Keep the faith alive! Mitigate fears of what’s on the other side. Keep going! Who knows what could be in store for us as a collective if we are all doing this work.