346. Timelines & The Past
There’s certainly dichotomy in timelines on earth as well as beyond, on the other side, or in different dimensions. We follow a linear timeline, but in comparison to existence which is infinite, there is or isn’t a clear timeline. Well… there isn’t, but we can “mark” timelines within it. Regardless, energetic timelines in general are fluid. They correspond, they evolve, they adapt. Maybe sometimes they merge, and maybe sometimes they go off into nowhere. A timeline is just an intention from point a to point b. Or maybe an energetic “line” so to speak.
We are often times very much in the matrix here on earth. Most things start and end, besides ourselves, and a handful of our connections. But many of our timelines, whether that be almost or even just hypothetical, have a clear point a and a clear point b. We’ve sort of mapped out our lives with milestones, whether it be weddings, graduations, etc. We’re all about the timelines. Although we are inherently quite connected to our past, some more than others, and some feel it more than others, one would wonder why we wouldn’t be as connected to our future, or hypothetical timelines which don’t exist yet. After all, the only proof of existence that we have of the path is our memories and any “executions” that we created. But that’s… about it.
My interest in this post is talking about our past timelines and how they are not just relevant to us now, but interact with us now. What happens when the past comes back? Is it always haunting? And why?
When we cement timelines in a point and place in time, there’s typically a strong intention or an energetic purpose. The danger therein comes when this timeline has nowhere really to go. It just “stops” existing. I think this is typically when and where people expect there to be “closure”, and get quite anxious when there isn’t. One or more of these people haven’t closed the energetic timeline. Perhaps as you continue to evolve in life, there are relevancies of the past. Particularly if other people, places and things not only share unneeded energetic cords, but are also sorting through similar concepts and themes. And again, the universe is tricky with its learning lessons.
There are experiences that we go through which trigger our past quite strongly. For example, sense of smell. Sometimes we have dreams or daydreams which feel like we are actually at a place in the past. And everyone knows those friends you reconnect with whom it feels like no time has passed at all. Often times these are soul level connections which are infinite, meaning that time simply doesn’t exist. It’s sort of like theory of relativity. If you’re not consciously aware of time, you’ve unintentionally transcended to a different “place” outside the matrix. Ideally, you would always live and exist there, within reason.
If timelines always exist on the other side, why don’t our past, present and future on earth live at the same time. Perhaps we aren’t consciously aware of it, but it simply “does”. As we continue to evolve and resolve our own energies, the “distances” in time may be less or more, but what if they aren’t? Can we live past present and future within a moment. Within a connection. I don’t see why not.
Maybe there’s inevitably some confusion as to which timeline to take. Do you live in the past, exist in the present, or jump to the future? Maybe you can do a ll three at once. The “answer” always seems to be remaining in the present with your eye on the future. And maybe your heart remembering the past. But maybe that’s relative. Is there a winning combination? Maybe it also depends on a point and place in time. I do wonder sometimes if we can continue to exist and go on without the energetic experiences of our past. And if they inform so much of our future, how do we even “get away” from them. I think that intention setting may be the only way. Yet everything is so interconnected.
Maybe, in a way, timelines (in sequential order) are options. We don’t need to relive the past, we can only “vibe” in the present and we must choose the future, whether it be conscious or subconscious. It can be challenging to re-orient yourself form all of these timelines, particularly if you don’t have distinct “milestones”. Maybe these milestones aren’t a way of being too much into the matrix. Maybe they’re a way of unintentionally… getting out of it.