347. What Is Intrinsic Value?
What is intrinsic value? Or what is true value? There’s a sense that anything and everything which is integral for our survival has value. And it does. But I don’t define it as “intrinsic”. After all, our methods or means of obtaining monetary value and retaining our sense of comfort and safety may not be aligned. We may hate our job, or the ways in which we walk throughout the world. No one is perfect, certainly, and there can be lots of “parts” of ourselves that we dislike. This isn’t a bad or good thing, as it’s only bad if we do not learn and/or evolve from it. It’s of course good, because we have achieved intuitive alignment. But the likelihood is… we’ll continue to be challenged. So it may never “stop”.
How could we possibly know and understand what our own intrinsic values are? It’s true that it’s what motivates us, but sometimes that’s quite hard to pin down. Observationally, I find that it’s what we continue to come back to time after time. What are we most consistent in, regarding our special interests? That’s the intrinsic motivation at work. It never stops, even when we do, or at times at our most desperate or pained levels.
Sometimes I like to consider all of the things in my life. I realize that even some of the most “mundane” or somewhat irrelevant (in the big picture of my life) people, places and things, ironically have the most value. As sometimes those who step into our life for a short period of time, have only one singular purpose and it is to drastically alter the course or state of our being or path trajectory. I sense this is why often times the most “heartbreaking” connections are short-lived. But I also have another theory as to why that is, and I’ll talk about it in my timelines post.
There’s this irreverent beauty when it comes to strangers and acquaintances having an impact on our life .I suppose it reminds that we are somewhat like characters in a play. That no matter what we do and where we go, we bump into those who are important to us. And we can choose to ignore the signs that we receive, or we can dive deeply into it. It’s true that often times we like to be surprised as human beings, so perhaps not all information will come into clarity quickly, but perhaps even if it’s only in the aftermaths here’s a level of importance which can be recognized or intellectualized. I think that as people we tend to think too logically into reasoning (which is somewhat ironic for me to say). But when we strip back the exterior level of a person, place, or thing, therein lies an energetic resonance which we either connect to or not. Perhaps we connect to it, but it’s intended to be short lived. Perhaps we connect to it, but it’s intended to be a tumultuous relationship. Perhaps we connect and we don’t really know why. There’s always some magic left up to the universe.
Typically I like to tie themes into something pragmatic or self-help oriented. And I do think that’s still true. We can use the power of our intrinsic motivation to gain success in life. Because we will continue to be more in alignment with ourselves. But maybe it’s more than that. Maybe intrinsic value transcends beyond success individually and collectively. Is there a higher level which is beyond these two? Or is the higher level in combination of these two? I’m not entirely sure. Maybe the value of intrinsic value is that it’s an untapped or misunderstood level of existence, or maybe on my end. As I continue to evolve, success feels lonely without the other energies surrounding it. The other thoughts, feelings and emotions that we experience day to day. I suppose that on the other side, we exist as only energies outside of a physical world, so the only “existence” is thoughts, feelings and emotions. What is there to do with no physical reality and just these things? When you have ultimate opportunity and expansion possibility, do you expand? And why or why not? What is the point when you have lived every single combination of energies, and you now continue to exist in them over and over and over again? I’m not totally sure. As per usual with everything, intrinsic value is up to each and every person’s perception value. There’s something about intrinsic value which corresponds to a level of existence which is just existence. But I don’t entirely know how or why. Maybe intrinsic value is the most aligned level of existence, or our own “highest”. But again… it seems to go beyond anything and everything which has a specific reason. As much as I talk about ambiguous things… this may be the most ambiguous of all. Many things have an “execution”, but value doesn’t. It just… is.