36. Are Twin Flames Real?
Twin flames have become a super hot topic not only as of late but I suppose… forever. I think for a few reasons. Everyone wants to know that true love is out there for them. Someone they are destined to be with. And to be honest, it’s kind of true. But there are a few aspects of some definitions of twin flames that I disagree with. Keep in mind that since the translation of twin flames is so subjective, this may be slightly different or not align to your perception of it.
Twin flames conceptually is two parts of one whole, or in other words two fractals of one soul. While souls can absolutely fractal out, I have a pretty substantial conceptual issue with these fractals meeting again on earth. What would be the point? You’re quite literally living with yourself. This would not be constructive in terms of future learning opportunities and conditions. While I understand that having a “soulmate” feels like you should have or want another piece of your soul, isn’t that quite weird? Why would you want to be with yourself in this lifetime? It’s quite odd and kind of creeps me out, to be honest.
If we take a step back, theoretically we are all formed from one atom, so there is a bit of truth to this. But it’s the same truth as everyone is technically related. It’s so far back that it barely seems relevant.
Personally, I believe in the concept of soulmates and that we have several soulmates in this lifetime. I mean think about it… we kind of have to. One, it’s a bit of an insurance policy from the other side. If something happens to one of your soulmates such as death, you need other options to be with you in this lifetime. I do also feel that it’s definitely possible for soulmates to change as time goes on. As we know, spirit guides can change as time goes on, as well as people we are with on earth. As our physical reality is a reflection of the other side, it just makes sense.
I think the biggest part of the issue I see is the concept of free will. If we only have one option for a twin flame, that means that we are required to be with them in this lifetime. But that goes pretty starkly against free will in this lifetime, no? Not only that, but we would theoretically need to revolve our lives around meeting this person. So for example, we would have to be poised to living in the same space as our hypothetical twin flame, or be at a point and place in time where we meet them. Although our subconscious drives our decisions often times, and a lot of what we do in terms of our life purpose and destiny is “pre-planned” by our subconscious, at the end of the day we do have free will. It’s just sometimes challenging to get our conscious and our subconscious on the same wavelength.
I think that one could argue that a twin flame is no different than a soulmate. And if that’s the case, I would say they would likely be correct. I think my biggest issue is not only the emphasis on there only being one person in total for you to fall in love with, but that it’s a destined and divine construct stemming from yourself. Ironically all love comes and emanates from one selves, so partially correct, but the description seems so off.
My other point is related to those who do not meet their twin flame in this lifetime. If it’s pre-destined, why? Personally, I believe that we have several soulmates and some aren’t even romantic. They can be friends, pets and family members. The vibration of love is so broad and overarching, one can live just as fulfilled of a life single as in a relationship. Personally, I’ve found much validation “falling in love” with people, places and things around me. And as I channel others and past lives, this sentiment becomes validated.
As many people will validate, the concept of twin flames often times perpetuates a toxic misunderstanding and dynamic between people. Some decide to stay in abusive relationships with the underlying thought being that they are in a “twin flame dynamic” which means there is a strong learning lesson attached to their connection, but they must stay with them and must seek it through. I find this to be disruptive and flat out false. We are energetic beings, which means we are poised to bounce around to different people, places and things in order to refine our energies. There’s no need to allow this concept to interfere with your decisions related to yourself and your relationship.
Hyper-fixating on the concept of twin flames may even cloud your judgment, and stray you away from the point. Are you looking at love through the lens of a twin flame relationship? Consider how that may be affecting your perception value and outlook on relationships. So long as it’s ultimately a positive thing for you, I’m all for the concept and perception value of twin flames. But if it ultimately interferes with your wants, feelings and desires and/or becomes an unhealthy crutch or obsession, it’s time to let it go.
Although I personally don’t resonate with twin flames, there are many people that do. No one is right or wrong here. Consider what works for you and allow space for others to share their thoughts and opinions as well. As our consciousness evolves, it’s likely that our relationship with these types of concepts and themes does too. Who knows! Maybe twin flames will be outdated or simply change sooner than we may think.