37. Sharing Psychic Information
One of the most unexpected responses I got from sharing some of my psychic information, such as predictions about myself, or even my birth chart was that of shock and horror. Although most people were super excited, a few definitely felt that I was cursing myself or giving myself bad luck. Not for the act of sharing itself, but because I was leaving myself open and vulnerable to psychic attack.
I would have to argue that simply sharing my presence as it exists would leave me just as open to an attack. But I suppose the argument is that the more that they know about me, particularly in a spiritual sense, leaves me much more open and vulnerable. I suppose that theoretically, it has to be true. The more anyone knows about me, the more they can use this information to their advantage. There are not only several but a lot of aspects of my life which I don’t make public. One, it just feels weird, but two, it’s true, I don’t want people to take this information and run with it. On a basic level, it’s not like we ever provide out passwords or social security numbers to anyone, as this information would likely be used against us. But what about spiritual information? And what is possible?
There are so many different myths, cultural significances and ideologies that people believe in. And I’m not saying any of them are wrong. I do feel that some of them have simply been perpetuated over time in order to protect others. But the truth is, as spirituality, our consciousness and spiritual information evolves, this kind of becomes less relevant. It ultimately becomes a bit fear-mongery and makes people incredibly and upset and nervous to share things about themselves.
Let’s take for example ourselves. Yes, it’s true we don’t want to share super private information about ourselves, but what about a lot of information about ourselves? I would argue that being open and honest about myself makes me a happier and better person. I can be more transparent and authentic. It allows me to connect and relate to others. I feel a closeness as I am not rejecting or repressing parts of myself. I think that being open is great.
Personally, I feel that you can be under psychic attack by existing and not sharing any information. So what’s the point of not? Yes, hypothetically an attack would be more pointed and specific with more information, but I don’t necessarily believe it would be any stronger.
To me, the tradeoff doesn’t feel worth it. Hide information at risk of being psychically attacked? Perhaps I just had a particularly rough spiritual awakening, but it doesn’t really phase me. Of course I say that now and I’m about to be absolutely slaughtered from the other side…
But anyways, at risk of putting myself front and center and being vulnerable, I think that the benefits outweigh the negatives. If I can share intimate details about myself which can connect to others and as a result, help them heal, I would be doing very important spiritual work. We need to be honest with ourselves to help others at the end of the day. Otherwise we’re just simply preaching with nothing to back it up. Personally, I feel that consciousness evolves more rapidly and seamlessly doing so. Consider how you feel when public figures are honest. It’s sort of refreshing? And I’m sure they feel a burden of weight lifted off of them.
Ironically, I feel that when we are more authentic and honest we are less at risk, because we’ve gained empathy and sympathy from others. I personally feel that others try to tear us down when they don’t know the true us. When they know we’re hiding behind walls. Seems like a win to me.
At the end of the day, this is just my overall feelings. I’m not afraid. Maybe I will be one day, but not today. And in the meantime, I feel that my work has importance and value, and I won’t step back or step down from that.
However these are only my thoughts and advice for me, and it’s contingent on me at this point and place in time. If you don’t feel it’s right to share information about yourself, absolutely don’t. But consider an exercise in discernment as to whether it feels right or if you’re simply afraid.