364. Leverage Divine Feminine Industries To Eliminate The Patriarchy


As time goes on, as a society, we are becoming more and more aware of the divine feminine labor that goes unnoticed, and often times, under-appreciated.

So what are divine feminine aspects? evolution, expansion, receptivity, holding space for others, magic and spirituality, spreading of energy, and so on. Although these are high-level, consider that these traits are completely necessary for survival.

I find that anything which isn’t physical or tangible, such as communication, art, creativity, etc. are all divine feminine “industries”. One could even theorize that business, marketing, finance, foreign affairs, community, politics and more are also aligned with divine feminine outputs and aspects because they are more transitional, transactional, communication-based in nature. Anything which is person to person or facilitation based can fall under this bucket.

Since divine masculine and divine feminine aspects fulfill our world somewhat equally, every single person or company likely shares both, but perhaps in different ways, or in different amounts. Construction companies, for example, have a physical product, and therefore may be more divine masculine than not. But it can be tricky to over-classify due to our complex world and the nature of business.

Asa whole, we are often times more appreciative of divine masculine industries. But why? After al we use and need both equally. The answer for me is capitalism and commercialization. Communication is often times not commodified, and therefore it’s simply expected. Soft skills are under-reported as a “big deal”, and so on and so forth. We know, however, that child-care and sex work which are theoretically divine feminine, or at least female-dominated industries are not just needed in part, but also widely recognized as high-demand. Yet again, there is a strong imbalance of power.

Regardless of what side you’re on, and how you feel this flexes throughout our current collective and society, the acknowledgment of the patriarchy is pervasive. We fundamentally understand that we are typically in a patriarchal society, although of course, that hasn’t always been the case throughout time. it’s my suspicion that we’ve tended to flow back and forth. Does this mean we’ll soon be in a matriarchy? What if we are in a matriarchy secretly, however we just aren’t seeing it? But maybe we’re feeling it. Certainly in many ways, we are beholden to aspects or ideals of the patriarchy. But due to the nature of the matriarchy continuing our species, one must assume that it is strong. And in fact, stronger than any patriarchy throughout time, as we continue to keep going.

One may consider that if we are currently too over-involved in divine masculine industries in terms of where our money, finances, resources and thoughts are, why do we simply not leverage divine feminine industries? What if hypothetically, there was a complete separation? Women were in divine feminine industries, and men in divine masculine ones. Would that, in theory, create a perfect world? Or at least half and half?While this suggestion is allocating people, there is of course another way.

We can simply continue to leverage divine feminine fields and energetically appreciate their importance. Without this, we ultimately neglect the divine feminine aspects of ourselves, but its/their pervasive energy, which helps and heals others. Again, we are currently doing ourselves a total disservice.

Compensating divine feminine work in any and all forms, does not just keep or leave women in power, it distributes energy more equally. We have a representation of both sides which is truly equal. In my opinion, women as a whole will not be equal to men unless we start appreciating and servicing divine feminine aspects. For example, divine feminine aspects rule the head and the mind. I don’t feel that it’s an accident that the collective is greatly suffering mental-health wise. This is the truest sign and form of divine feminine neglect. And as a result, through this out of balance situation, our physical selves are declining as well. We will never truly fix or heal ourselves until we tap into this sense of balance. While some may theorize that only leaning into divine masculine traits will provide you happiness and success, it’s the exact opposite. By silo’ing yourself, and therefore disconnecting yourself from divine feminine energies in the universe, you render yourself more weak and powerless. It’s a complete fallacy. And after all, divine feminine energy is some of the most powerful energy I’ve observed.

Appreciate divine feminine concepts, themes, aspects, energies, modalities, interests and industries. This is a good place to start for true balance. And once true balance I restored, there will be no need, space or room for the patriarchy. Not only will it be unneeded due to space reasons, but also peace reasons. Patriarchal aspects will be irrelevant because we don’t find ourselves clinging on to a false sense of reality and hope to serve our shortcomings.


365. Theory Of Everything


363. It’s Normal To Be Affected By Negative Entities