365. Theory Of Everything


The theory of everything. How is it possible I can even start this post?

We are all likely familiar with Stephen Hawking’s “Theory Of Everything”, which is primarily based in physics. But what about metaphysics? And why should we care about metaphysics?

We can deduce anything and everything until our faces turn blue. Don’t get me wrong, deduction for scientific purposes is extremely important. The more we know, theoretically, the more we can resolve. But what we sometimes lack is the point. The true “why” something is happening. Not just the… it’s happening, so this is what we do about it.

Although some people are certainly content with not knowing why, or perhaps their own subconscious understanding of the why, even if their conscious selves aren’t totally aware of it or aligned, personally, I find myself a bit more curious and wanting more.

Maybe it’s a sense of ego or narcissism. Maybe there’s no point in knowing the “why”. After all, we’re in a matrixed reality for a reason. Perhaps that reason is to be disconnected from the truth. Or is the reason to be disconnected from the truth, so we can journey on our way back to it? What would be the implications of doing this, or not doing it? Or the implications of being totally and completely wrong. I know it sounds strange, but even if my entire pursuit to knowing the truth was wasted, it was still a pursuit worth pursuing.

The first aspect of theory of everything is finite and perpetual existence. We can wrap our minds around finite existence, because we have a conscious understanding of our existence. So there is of course… existence. Existence will only continue to continue to evolve. It never truly started and it will never truly end. Because it always has been, and always will be. It may evolve into different forms, separate, come back together, expand or contract, do its own thing, but it will always be.

In that sense, we can know and understand that in some way shape or form, anything and everything is inherently connected. We can presume that things which are more “relevant” or “stick together”, perhaps in a dimension or density are somewhat more connected, even if for only a brief moment in time. But whenever there is relevance, or a connection of any shape or form, there must be some type of thread or source.

Some may think that existence is “one”,a s it has to be something. But personally, I find that existence is “zero” as it always has been, and it always will be. It’s essentially “flatlined” energy as I like to call it. The base level of existence is somewhat neutral, and the expansion and contraction fo energy is what “creates” the numbers.

Often times when I channel existence, I see a circle. To me, it represents source energy. And when I channel our existence as human beings, I start to uncover “fractal theory”.

Fractal theory is that we, in essence, come from “source” energy, which we can imagine somewhat like a giant ball of energy. But again, it’s simply “existence” or “baseline”. This infinite loop of energy has the ability to not only expand and contract to create new (as we see throughout the universe), but it can also “fractal” internally or externally. So the forces within an energetic compound can separate, or in some way shape or form, come back together. This is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting points of all.

Fractals are all singular levels of energetic existence. In other words, you as a person, are a fractal. Through channeling, I find that we ourselves, are fractaled. We may be living past or concurrent lives (as time doesn’t exist on the other side, for the simple fact that there is no start and end but only cycles). Our higher selves which exist in some odd, ambiguous other time, dimension and place are part of our “fractals”. Since there’s no real rules on the other side, we can likely be in multiple places at once. In fractals. Think of it like Voldemort’s horcruxes… kind of.

I imagine it like a large circle with lots of little drawings beneath it. a circle divides into two, and it keeps on dividing and dividing until we get to billions of unique energetic sources. This isn’t counting all of the “extended” energy, so to speak, that isn’t human-like. The specific way in which certain energies become more human-like, animal-like or entity-like is still somewhat of a mystery to me.

Theoretically, we can assume that this “source” or baseline energy would be god, or the furnace of all creation. In a way, it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that it is the most highest level of existence. Peace, purity, joy and happiness. But I suppose it may feel slightly different out of a physical or matrixed reality. Perhaps we will never know. Adversely, the more fractaled you are, or further down the line that you are, the further from god or source you are. As people who are likely very fractaled, one would assume that we are quite far from god. Particularly since we are in such a dense dimension. Density in general is inherently fractaled, as there is so much of it. I often channel that there are approximately 12 layers of density and dimension, 12th being the highest. Considering we’re in 3D (with capacity to access higher, but not physically)… it’s pretty low. How awkward.

There’s this Greek mythology stating that we are fractaled and will ultimately find our soulmate in this earthly dimension to complete us. And I have to say… it’s somewhat sound logic. Particularly aligned with the idea that there is another half of you out in the world. As your energetic source has fractaled from source, there always needs to be a “pair”. Or else you would have never fractaled. I won’t promise that your other half is here on earth, but hey… anything is possible. Considering we are often times physically incarnating into this planet demonstrating divine feminine and divine masculine qualities, we’re not only fractaled from source, but we’re fractaled in this ideology as well. We are often times more “whole” or stronger when we’re paired with the opposite energetic source. Although each and every person inhabits both energies in order to survive, typically we lean into one more than the other. It’s not always related to our gender, but it often times is. One could theorize that in the same respect, any and every hypothetical energetic path or trajectory could have an opposing “opposite”. Any time that something is created in the universe, it must in some way shape or form, have a pair. Although it’s not always connected, it still will always exists as a byproduct of creation.

Then comes the philosophy. Is the point of our universe to continue to fractal? Is it to get back to source? How and why were these fractals created? Is it just because that’s the simple nature of things? It’s challenging to understand the intentions fo the universe, as our deepest feelings are wrapped up in a physical world. Often times I look at different fractal lifetimes to come up with the answers. I find that the purpose and intention of our physical being here on earth is to grow, evolve, learn, expand and explore. But why? I suppose we may not always know the exact reason. And perhaps it’s simply relative to us. Maybe we’re just trying to get back to source. Or to our other half. Maybe our fractaling was like a nuclear explosion. Never supposed to happen, and now we’re finding our way back.

I do often think about expansion and contraction (expansion typically representing divine feminine energies, and contraction representing divine masculine). Why is it that the universe does it? Why does it not stay still? Can energy even exist at all if it stays still? I suppose not. But I do feel it can exist without fractaling… maybe. I went into this post claiming to know the answers, but I suppose I’ve just left myself with more questions.

I suppose I can look to my own ego to know that I’m here to help serve the collective and offer something up to the world. But I don’t think that’s for everyone. Maybe it is, and they’re just lying. But why? What makes each of us unique? is it our own experiences? Often times I feel that I’ve learned a lot in past lives, which gives me the unintended qualifications to do what i do here. But why the hell would I want to do it? Perhaps in some way shape or form, we are a slave to karma.

I do know a couple of things. There are certainly things we don’t know, certainly things at this point in time out of our control. But I do know that the more we know and understand about energy and the workings of the universe, the more in control we feel. I think that sometimes people don’t want to know the truth, because that acknowledgment and acceptance can change and maybe even forfeit lives. It’s a tricky one. With the experience of my intuition opening up, I don’t have the luxury of living in the dark. Or I suppose in this metaphor, I do live in the dark. In the somewhat unknown or spooky. Maybe I’m always in the darkness of existence, and as a channeler, I’m actually trying to claw my way out with curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. Maybe my misfortune pushed me into lack of choice.


366. Is It Fair To Make Other People Change?


364. Leverage Divine Feminine Industries To Eliminate The Patriarchy