367. Be Afraid Of What’s Internal, Not External
We’re all afraid of the Boogeyman, to put it plainly. Media has made us afraid of practically everything, including our own shadow. It’s their right, however. For horror, there’s a thrill of being startled and scared. Even true crime can hep inform us of the dangers out there. But for most of us, those experiences, particularly the wild ones, will never happen. So it’s kind of odd that we are obsessed with it, no?
I find that this odd obsession comes from an internal place. After all, I do believe that everything external is a byproduct of our internal selves. There’s this sensationalism with demons, spirits, entities and other bad and negative things. I’ll be honest with you, unless you’re seriously suffering mentally, we perceive a large, if not practically all of our “threats” coming from externally. But if our external reality is again, a byproduct of our internal reality, why are we not focusing more on ourselves?
I suppose we do this in an indirect way, which is self-care. Self-care makes us feel good and better about ourselves. But we’re losing the correlation between our internal selves and our physical reality. It’s all extremely connected, yet we’re not totally connecting the dots. I think in some instances, it can feel redundant, repetitive and maybe even shameful. If you could heal yourself, your problems will go away. But maybe some people think they can’t heal themselves. For me, it’s a fallacy. but I certainly can’t change people’s minds.
So we’re left with this fear of not just what’s external, but particularly fear of the unknown when we get into ghost stories and psychological thrillers. In some ways, perhaps, this is just fear of the unknown within ourselves. I reckon that those who are afraid of the unknown externally are afraid of what’s deep inside themselves.
So am I saying we should be “afraid” of one or more of these? I suppose not, it just makes for a catchy title. But i’ll rephrase: You should be much more aware and cognizant of what’s going on internally. I don’t truly want anyone to be afraid of anything, as it just perpetuates fear and causes a lot more problems for ourselves.
To sum up, the more you are afraid of external things as a whole, the more likely you are to be afraid of your own self.
The problem with this cognitive dissonance is that unless we are totally tuned into our subconscious, we may not really be able to “look at” what’s lurking. We may perceive anything and everything to be just fine. Perhaps slightly off, but generally just find. Accessing your subconscious self and refining your intuition isn’t something that’s generally taught, however they are the most foundational and key elements in order to save your life. Perhaps not from a car crash, but a metaphorical one, of course. And again, alongside this logic, perhaps the physical manifestation fo a car crash was the amalgamation of energies surrounding you. We are often times afraid to consider that terrible things happen for a reason, but what if we discovered that they did? And what if we worked to prevent them/ No pun intended, it would certainly put us more in the driver’s seat.
We can expand on this answer. What is the intention or reason for a car crash? Depending on the type of crash, there can be lots. But what circumstances would it be so that you are crashing with another vehicle? Consider that cars are often times significant in relation to our “journey” here on earth. Is your journey going in the wrong direction, and you haven’t picked up on it? Is it interfering with someone else’s? Perhaps you haven’t been paying attention. Maybe you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. There are lots of elements that you can deduce from physical things which may be relevant to your life.
It all starts from within. But how on earth can we start, if we don’t know where? If we don’t know what our problems are? Or any context at all? The base level is a sense of faith, hope and optimism that you can have the very best. Whatever you’d like. You can feel any type of way. Lead with emotions, and consider what physical attributes will follow.
The first step is to simply set an intention or affirmations. I recommend stating intentions in the mirror while staring deep into your eyes. Let your words overcome your body. Truly feel it. State what you want in the future, but also as if it’s present moment. You can do and be anything, remember that. Ask your spirit guides to help guide you along this process. Once you acknowledge and accept, the universe will take you there. The exhaustion and hard work only comes in when you’re on loop with yourself and your own negativity, unintentionally of course.
The intention of this post is simply to shift our opinions on what’s internal. It can be challenging to take a hard look at yourself, particularly in a world full of criticism and judgment. But do it yourself, so they can’t continue. Be proud of who you are and what you’re going to accomplish. Nothing else should matter. The confidence that you have will inspire others.