368. Do More Things Mean More Confusion?
I admit as someone in the metaphysical world, physical things aren’t my specialty or strong suit. I mean… I suppose without consciousness, they are supposedly “dead” objects. This makes this topic even more interesting in terms of consciously “alive” things, as well as “dead” things, so to speak. How do we interact with them, why and what happens? Are there ways to benefit our lives with things? What if it goes wrong, or if there’s too much? Think: hoarders.
My interest in this topic started with fractal theory. I considered that anything and everything, even just “things” are of course fractals. In other words, there must be some type of infinite energetic existence in which we have divided ourselves from, or fractaled ourselves from into tiny, tiny fractals. The less whole we are or something is, and the more dense something is, the farther it is away from source. As a result, us, in the third dimension, are quite far from source. Since silo’d things or individual things which are compromised with atoms which “stick together” are further and further away from source in terms of their amount. We can presume that as we get higher into densities and dimensions and source there are less “things”. Consider a flow chart from one circle which branches off, similar to a family tree. As we keep going down, it keeps getting larger and larger and more. So since there are many things here on earth, which are therefore further down fractals, does that mean they are farther from “god” or source? Can items hold any significant energetic value, and if they cannot, are they exempt from this rule?
I find that items can hold energetic value, particularly if they are not overly dense, but it must come from a conscious place. In other words, a person must need to “create” the item with their own energy through assembly or use in order for it to be “filled” with types of energy. If we consider hoarders, we know that they perceive items to hold significant value. I wonder if this is partially because they are somewhat empathic. Of course it could simply be a projection of their own feelings, but it is quite an interesting consideration.
So let’s consider what it means to have multiple items/objects, or simply be surrounded by them, however I feel that they are generally the same thing. If items hold onto the energy of others, or our own energies, then lots of energy around us could hypothetically be supportive, motivating and inspiring. Like little “mini-me’s”. I wonder if this is why people who are perpetually lonely tend to like to have items. It’s not just physical, but of course, metaphysical.
We can theorize that a “clear channel” is somewhat bringing us closer to this source energy, as we are not surrounding by lots of fractals. While this theory can be poked and prodded, as having multiple energies around you can suffice for “thinking” that you are whole, however it’s somewhat of a fallacy. In other words, as you go through life picking up other energies, it does not make you whole. It’s simply the illusion of. I think that all of us can relate to a monk-type lifestyle or philosophy where you don’t need anything to be happy. But why is this the case?
We can theorize that a clean, clear energetic path to source or “god” is what makes us truly “feel” whole and happy. Not things which we’ve created here on earth. Although there’s certainly a physical advantage to having things which help to make us more comfortable and heal us, these are simply things which resolve symptoms. But there’s no “antidote” for something deeper, besides our enhanced connection with the other side and our higher selves. Perhaps through fractal theory, in different dimensions/on other planets, there are the parts of ourselves which would ultimately, at some point in time, when brought back together, would make us whole. One could theorize that tapping into these fractals of our own self could do the work in making us feel as whole as we can be, despite not being directly or physically connected with them.
So we can put together the fact that “things” are simply “fake” in terms of making us feel whole/complete. It’s just putty which goes over the void. Life is this perpetual experience of being brought back together again after being broken apart. Or perhaps our cycle of lives throughout lifetimes is.
The other interesting aspect of this conversation is consumerism and what if the things that you make or execute actually has benefit for the collective. I think that there is an in-between philosophy that things are good, as again, they do help people. And while they can assist in healing people, deep down, at our root and truth, only we can heal ourselves. We must give the final permission or the final acceptance.
To sum up, ensure that the “things” that you have around you are intentional and an extension of yourself, whether that be your energy or something/someone else’s which is providing you joy and a high vibration. It can be challenging to discern this, however frequent cleanings and removal of things which do not belong are particularly helpful. Lean into your gut instinct or a “feeling” of what should stay and go. This is typically right.
When we are surrounded by multiple energies, regardless if they are our own or not, our “vision” of the future gets muddied. We aren’t sure what’s right or wrong, or what to do next. Often times, I find that these things can be a distraction. This can therefore lead to frustration.
We can potentially use this logic to extend outward into conscious entities, such as people, however things are a bit more two dimensional and more straightforward. People can tend to be a bit more complex, making their intentions as well as the energetic value they bring somewhat layered and complicated. However, this sense of just “knowing” what belongs and what doesn’t in your life is invaluable. Lean into this concept overall.