369. Capricorn Moons
As a fellow Capricorn moon, it’s my honor and pleasure to deconstruct this elusive placement. From a channeled perspective, of course, as I am not an astrologer. Ironically, although I am a Capricorn moon, I find it’s somewhat hard to talk about, as you have your own biases. It’s easy to deconstruct the behaviors of others, but when it’s the only thing you know, it can be a bit more challenging.
There’s a bit of a stereotype to Capricorn moons: They’re somewhat disconnected, elusive, perhaps even stoic or not-engaged. After all, many consider a Capricorn moon to be a “detriment”, or in other words, since it’s opposite of Cancer which is in its home, one of, if not the most difficult placements to have for a moon sign.
I find that “difficult” placements are solely dependent on point and place in time. There is a purpose and a need for all placements, and as we continue to go through phases and evolve as a society, it’s clear that people’s strengths come into play at significant or specific moments. But perhaps in this generation or even century, the Capricorn moon isn’t needed as much, or perhaps clashes with the ideals of the current collective. We may never truly know. But I do imagine a world out there where a Capricorn moon is in its place. Maybe it’s not a world we’d like to be in, but a world nonetheless.
So let’s talk about my perception of what a Capricorn moon means energetically.
These placements for me, are what I like to call energetic “movers”. When I channel Capricorn moons in particular, I get this image of different legos being shuffled or sorted around. In a sense, they are able to shift, move, retain or release any energetic qualities within themselves or others, at a moments notice. In my opinion, they are and will be well suited to handle crisis, as they have definitive and swift discernment quality. I do feel that this ability may come off as harsh, ill-intentioned or cold-hearted. Adversely, perhaps Cancer moons are more focused on an energetic priority and nurturing it. There’s no release or “throwing it away”. As a result, it may be more idilic for not just the person with the placement, but others they come in contact with as well. With this observation, I do suspect that they may tend to hold onto emotional energies for a bit too long, or perhaps are not as decisive with what they want to keep around. But nonetheless, are likely the best emotional “nurturers” of the zodiac.
My suspicion is that due to the consistent movement of emotional energies, Capricorn moons may feel a consistent disconnect, if they’re not careful. As they are consistently bouncing around o different emotions and different energies overall. They may not “stick” with emotions for too long. I don’t feel this necessarily plays itself out in wanting new things consistently, or even new partners, but it is possible. After all, we as people are consistently evolving, so even with one person, there’s no shortage of energy to be “moved”.
I do find it interesting that many musicians are Capricorn moons. One of the other interesting aspects I notice about Capricorns is not just this “isolation” of energies, but their isolation alongside the ability to be layered. I feel this directly correlates to using different aspects, elements, instruments, riffs/melodies, etc. and putting them together. Since Capricorns in general have a knack for understanding energies wholeheartedly and diving into this detail, they may be able to sense or hear things which are unknown to others. When there’s too much focus on the composition as a whole (which may be the case for cancer moons, for example), you lack this uniqueness and specialty of each individual element. While composition is important, consider the parts of a song which make it truly irreplaceable. It’s all about the fine details. I suspect Capricorn moons are quite detail oriented, as well.
People often times say that Capricorn moons are typically musicians because they struggle to express themselves and music is a way to do so. While I don’t necessarily disagree with this sentiment, I actually think there’s a more interesting reason.
Music, at its core, is a way to match and move energy. We know that music can “move us” whether it be through electronic/pop music, or even sad or mellow music. Our physical, mental or emotional energies are shifted and sorted in some kind of way. This is a perfect example of practical utility for the strengths of a Capricorn moon. Since they are “movers”, there’s no doubt that they are helping the collective heal themselves in this way. They are providing/offering music to do this work for them.
One may argue that they are doing more for the collective than other moon signs. I find that those who have been burned by Capricorn moons, while may be in their right to be upset, are looking at the situation from from an ego-centric POV. They may feel… what can a Capricorn moon do or not do for me? But that’s not the point of a Capricorn moon. They have a bigger and badder task, and in my opinion, work on behalf of the collective. Admittedly, this can get in the way of individual relationships, where it’s likely that a Cancer moon may thrive.
I provide this channeled information not as a defense, but more so food for thought for all “detriment” signs. Are they truly a detriment, or are we just not getting the point? How can we leverage strengths of each and every sign, rather than focus on their shortcomings? And is our perception value of these strengths and weaknesses the main problem, overall? The world of astrology, while of course definitive, will continue to change and evolve alongside our collective. And therefore will continue to be different and worth revisiting/exploring.