370. Fake Realities Exacerbate Mental Illness
I feel that I’ve talked about this topic on and off for quit a while ago, so let’s set the scene:
There are two forces of our perceived reality. One being physical, and the other being mental/emotional. Of course, spiritual is always there, but it’s less of a force of perceived reality, and more of the existence of truth.
Physical reality can be marked by a matrixed reality, or in other words, anything and everything we know in this physical dimension. It’s everything which we will not carry with us/will not exist on the “other side. Adversely, we have consciousness, which is our mental state and our emotions. Essentially just intelligent energy. It’s much of what we can’t prove, but we do acknowledge that it exists.
Each and every day these two forces “bounce” back and forth, and are a part of our overall existence. We’re aware of both of them, and we work with both of them. in essence, this creates a “ping pong” effect back and forth. I used an example which was a cat knocking over a vase. You wake up and see the vase knocked over (physical), and then you have a perceived reaction (anger or frustration). This leads you to clean the vase up (physical), meanwhile determining a plan for this to not happen again (mental) and perhaps even executing said plan (physical). We react mentally and physically to our environment, surroundings, selves, all the time. It’s the natural course of life.
What has happened with AI is unprecedented. In other words, there’s nothing really in our perception of time with the human race which can really compare. I will argue that throughout time, I do feel that people were more tuned into the “truth” or spiritual ability, theoretically acting as a different reality, however I think that’s quite a different conversation. As I mentioned, spirituality is truth. Although you channel and read out of your own perception value, which can vary, there is, theoretically, a “collective” truth which we are all aligned to. It does make me wonder if we, as people, were moving further and further away from spirituality, and therefore needed a “proxy” experience in order to allow us to access and gain energetic information. It’s kind of an interesting theory, although it may be coincidental.
So what are these fake realities that we’re talking about? I would argue that news stations and social media qualify. One could argue that media does this, however I do feel that in general, TV shows and movies are more so aligned with the concept/idea of art and storytelling. Perhaps reality TV straddles this line. But I’m more so referring to things which are somewhat a reality, but not a reality at all. In other words, “curate” reality. Social media has us curating the best and most interesting parts of ourselves (usually), and TV networks have a similar approach, however they are only highlighting what they perceive the audience to have a reaction to. In this way, it’s a fake “example” of the truth, which is much more varied. We do of course have a general understanding that this is the case, but when information is presented to us in a certain way, it’s hard to detach from the perceived facts. You’re looking at something which your brain has told you is one thing, but reality is an entirely different thing. It’s no wonder it messes with people.
So what’s going on with the relationship between fake realities and mental illness? It’s all in that ping-pong example. Every single day with everything that we do, we have a direct link between matrix and consciousness. Back and forth. It’s a clear line, or theoretically, a clear channel. This energy has intention, parts and places to go, and it can essentially be on “loop”. Which is another interesting facet of this conversation, as loops can ultimately be bad. Could fake realities exist to get us out of this loop? It’s an interesting question, but also, hypothetically, a coincidence. Needless to say, these fake realities act as different “paths” for this energy to go, because they have created a simulation of the matrix. Let’s use a specific example. If for example, we wake up in the morning, we may intuitively feel that we should have something for breakfast. But whether it be through shame, or perhaps even inspiration from social media, we actually default to someone else’s perceived “perfect” breakfast. Perhaps we follow this particular influencer, and are totally over-inundated with these recommendations, that it becomes our perceived reality. It’s altered our brain chemistry. While one can argue that being “influenced” and inspired is ultimately a good thing, it’s not when we don’t have clear discernment over our intuition, which I do feel the collective struggles with as a whole. So therefore, it can be dangerous. In essence, any “tunnel” or “path” which we perceive to be a timeline or a pathway in general (which can be simply an option/idea, or it can be a whole “dream” manifestation) is another hole for our energy to go with. The more of these “fake realities” that we have, the more we’re distracting ourselves or being driven away from the authentic desires of our consciousness, and how it interacts with our reality. By neglecting this back and forth energy and creating too many options, we’re going against our intuition, over-inundating and confusing ourselves, and just making our lives more difficult overall. We’re also likely stunting our desired timelines. I don’t think we realize how much fake realities affects us as a society because it’s so subconscious.
So what’s the answer here? It’s true that a technological detox can help, and likely will help. But it’s unfortunately not a long-term solution. I fixate over the idea of intuition discernment. This allows us to “take in” al of this energetic information, but simply allow it to wash over us. It’s just “stuff” and just because someone fancy or pretty is telling you to do it, doesn’t mean that it’s meant for you. After all, you certainly don’t want to be living their life. However, if you struggle with lack of clarity and decisiveness already, or low confidence or self-esteem, you certainly are likely to be influenced. Becoming more in tune with yourself, your intuition, your wants goals and dreams will likely be your best shield in terms of protecting yourself from unwanted information affecting you. After all, you want to be open and present to receive all information, it’s just that you don’t want the negative or the irrelevant to negatively effect you.
In terms of mental illness specifically, too many or these paths or timelines can cause friction and anxiety. When we have trouble getting back to our consciousness or truest desires, this can lead to depression. I do feel there are other mental issues which can be a part of this, particularly if it’s coupled with low confidence or low self-esteem, but anxiety and depression are the two major ones that I notice.
To build yourself up to work through this process, it takes time. It’s not an overnight solution, but it is an immediate helpful clue and key. Perhaps the first step is understanding through intuitive discernment what’s working in your life. I reckon everyone’s been “influenced” to do something which they no longer feel is necessary. Perhaps it’s a byproduct of time, but perhaps it was also never supposed to make it’s way truly to you in the first place. Know that when something becomes a part of you, it can either affect you positively or negatively. So keep those boundaries up.