38. Can Objects Be Haunted?


Nothing that I like more than a haunted item. Well, I suppose there are one or two things I like more. But the concept of an item being haunted is quite interesting. It’s intricate and unique. Sitting in one tiny thing is the embodiment of some type of a demon. I think that’s why haunted dolls are so popular. They’re a kind-looking child-like toy with the ability and power of the most dominant negative entity you can imagine.

So let’s talk about if this is true, how it’s true and/or how it’s different. Personally, I don’t believe that a conscious entity can really take hold of an object itself. In other words, live in it. Not only would that not really make any sense, as spirits can choose to go where they please, but it would not be gaining anything from embodying this object in particular. It doesn’t really make sense. But otherwise, there’s really no room matter-wise. An object is made up of different types of matter, and particularly for solid objects, there’s not really any room for this energy to exist and expand on a conscious level. 

There is however, resonant energy. Resonant energy from my perspective is energy that has been “left behind”. It’s often times why psychics and mediums like to feel different objects, or in other words, psychometry, or the practice of reading different objects and items to pick up their perceived energy. Not only can they pick up the person who owned the item, but really anything and everything that object interacted with, so long as it had some energetic importance. Or perhaps anything left over from a “cataclysmic” event. 

This is often why I urge people to put positive energy into items, because they can absolutely hold them. You never want to think or feel negatively when you are around or are holding important items. Although you’re a very separate energetic items, on some level your items are yours, and you are your items. Particularly ones you’re around often and interact with often.

As a result, a lot of negative energy can be “left” on items. I do feel that that’s why they may be perceived to be haunted. I also feel that since they were owned by passed people, it’s likely that these spirits hang around them. And as a result, this is the reason for paranormal activity around these items.

It’s possible that energetic entities can “possess” items for a brief period of time, but it’s just not energetically sustaining. And again, there’s not much logic behind it.

You should absolutely be wary of bringing items into your own, particularly if they were owned by other people. But consider this: Items owned by positive people are likely to have positive energy attached to them. You can easily use this to your advantage in order to inspire and motivate you. Consider second-hand items as a “leg-up”. Also know that some items may be negative for you, but positive for others. For example, if someone owned a jacket who was quite chill, casual, lethargic or lazy, this probably wouldn’t be beneficial for someone who was struggling being more active and motivated. They would essentially channel this energy and it would be a disadvantage.

I know this sounds complex and how could you possibly read this deep into items, but here’s my best tip. If you’re attracted to an item, it’s likely for you. Use intention-setting to help guide yourself toward positive items. And lastly, trust yourself. If it doesn’t feel like it belongs, it probably doesn’t. This level of discernment is also great for narrowing down what you need in your home in the first place. Good luck and happy hunting :)


39. What Are Loops?


37. Sharing Psychic Information