371. Your Energy Is An Amalgamation Of Parts
I’ve spoken before about how our energy is an amalgamation of parts. But what does this truly mean? What are we and where does it come from?
Although it may not sound entirely logical, I like to look at it this way. And it’s the best “description” I can come up with based on channeling energy.
Everyone has a “source” vibration, which to me, almost looks like a rod of light and energy, which is either white or light blue. This is kind of their… “God” DNA, so to speak. This is our connection to our higher selves, and perhaps multiple parts of our energetic bodies elsewhere. It’s sort of “ground zero”. But we must realize, this isn’t all of our energy. It can’t be. It’s just foundational or “baseline”. What about anything and everything that makes us whole in this lifetime? All our memories? Our experiences? There’s so much about us here, from the way that we look to our astrological chart.
This is where the concept of our bodies being an amalgamation of parts comes in. When I take a look at an “x-ray” of the human body, I get this cylindrical energy we just talked about in the last paragraph, as well as lots of “orbs” around it. They look like bubbles and they take up a bit of space around our bodies. They can be interests, hobbies, philosophies, and more. Again, things which influence our daily life. In a negative sense, I often times address people who have “negative” orbs, which are from traumatic or negative experiences. When they stick around our bodies, they act as a “prism” with how we see the world. So if we have gone through trauma, we may perpetually see the world in a traumatic lens. These are of course orbs, in which we’d like to remove or release.
But our positive ones are helpful to stay, as they shape and warp our reality unique to us. Our interests provide information and context related to our life purpose, even if they seem meaningless. Again, they are helpful tools. So it’s important that we constantly check in with ourselves, and set intentions and affirmations to release negative energy. Even if you are truly in tune, we tend to have biases. So it can be challenging to discern what is or isn’t “movable”. I’ve had lots of conversations with people who just tell me they’re a certain way, without realizing it’s simply a byproduct of their negative experiences, which again, can be removed. See the first post on this page to learn how to release old, negative or stagnant energy.
I admit, there’s not much else to say. It’s just somewhat of a concept. I suppose if I had to assign any value to this idea, it’s that we are male able and pliable as people. We aren’t doomed to live out our negative experiences. It’s also relevant when we talk about our “ideal” energetic state. It’s somewhat of an addition/subtraction situation. Of course we want to add the positive orbs, and subtract the negative ones. When we’re too out of balance, we of course are going to lean more negative. And if we’re half and half, we may be in arrested development.
Overall, there’s lots of opportunity to learn about our own orbs, and any old, negative or stagnant energy lingering around us. Be sure to set affirmations and intentions to your guides to help you acknowledge, accept and release these energies at your will.