372. Law Of Attraction
Law of attraction… what an enigma. I’m sure at this point, practically everyone’s heard of law of attraction in some sense. In fact, “The Secret” is primarily based in law of attraction, paired with intention setting and some level of manifestation (briefly summarizing). But is law of attraction precisely what we think it is? And how does it make practically any sense in terms of physics?
I think that many people dispute the exact metaphysical science of law of attraction, or even what it means. One of the main beliefs is that “like attracts like”. This is where intention-setting and envisioning comes in. If you “become” what you’re looking for, mentally emotionally and spiritually, your environment will transform to match it. Therefore, like attracts like. But I think that we may stumble over this concept. Rather than “like attracts like”, which somewhat means same attracts same, perhaps we can position it like “vibration matches vibration”. In other words, a “frequency” of existence which still allows for multiple different types of physical executions, attracts another vibration which allows for multiple different types of executions, and a “match” is made. Whatever one energy needs, the other provides, and vice versa. In this sense, these things are not alike in the exact physical manifestation of a way, but simply “alike” as in both energies are moving toward the same direction, and ultimately attract each other. Imagine it like this. Say for example, you’re in a “room” of like-minded energies. People, places and things. When you ultimately decide that this “room” is no longer for you (room being a metaphor for some type fo existence, vibration or perception value”, you suddenly float to a new room. But in this new room, you’re no longer attracting the same people, places and things in the old space or room. Now, whoever is “attracted” to that room in general will be a part of your life. I think that when we consider law of attraction, we think that we may need to precisely become what we are attracting, but here’s what is even more interesting.
It’s somewhat impossible to “become” what we’re attracting, because we simply can’t transform our energies. If I envision myself as a car, it’s not like I will become a car tomorrow. This leads to me what I propose we should reframe or “re-call” law of attraction as: Law of clear channel. Hear me out.
Since we cannot become or transform into another type of energy, we must go back to the philosophy of what our energies are made of, and why we attract things in general. We of course have our “base level” vibration, which is what maintains us, and keeps us alive. It’s what will go on with us after this lifetime, and is somewhat comprised of all of our energetic experiences. Then, as we move through life, we have many more energetic “orbs” so to speak, or conscious energetic pieces which “stick” to our energetic bodies. These can be anything from our astrological energies, our experiences, or any other thoughts, feelings, emotions or preconceived notions we’re working with. All of these energies either allow for this law of attraction experiences to take place, or likewise, can inhibit them. For example, if we tend to retain a lot of negative energies from our experiences, it tends to act like a “prism” in which we see the world. Unintentionally and indirectly, we may tend to continue to seek out similar experiences, even if they’ve hurt us in the past. A lot of time this happens because on a subconscious level, we want to remove these energies, and re-addressing it, is the only way to do so. Hard to say if this is all chalked up to life’s plan or physically, just the way things work. Having lots of orbs which are specific and positive are, in my opinion, a good thing, because they solidify our character and our life purpose. While it may not benefit us to be overly specific, some sense of direction is likely wanted and needed.
So to go back to my “renaming”, law of clear channel states that if we have certain desires and wants in this lifetime (which I believe we can align on the fact that we all do), having negative energies can ultimately deter us from approaching or reaching these things, as they act as boundaries for new energies coming in, and they are primarily wrapped up in fear. When we have a “clear” channel, or one which has energies which are serving us and wanted, we tend to go through life much easier, as we tend to be less encumbered. Therefore, having a “clear” channel is better, and will likely work more so in our favor in terms of attracting what we want and need.
I think that many people have an issue with law of attraction, because perhaps they’re not entirely getting the “point”. This goes beyond surface level intention setting. We need to change our lives, in order to change our environment. Intentions and affirmations are an amazing way to kickstart this process, but simply doing so will likely not give us the life that we dream of. If it did, we would already have the life that we dream of. But energetically, we must meet these new energies in the same “room”, so to speak.
There’s also the consideration of not being aligned to our intuition and subconscious. How do we uncover this? Often times when we are perpetually trying to get what we perceive we want, we’re met with a lot of shut doors. This is perhaps because our conscious self wants something, but our subconscious self doesn’t. There are many “aspects” to ourself, including our higher self which remains on the “other side”. Having more alignment to our subconscious desires will help not only expedite this process, but make it easier and more clear.
And as a refresh on how to raise your vibration, here’s some key elements: Every day when you wake up, ask yourself what you feel you need to be doing to align to this. Follow your impulse. Take risks. Face your fears. get yourself out of comfort zone. Have fun, be spontaneous and do what you want! Opportunities are unlimited.
I think that perhaps all of the elements and aspects of law of attraction may go somewhat unknown in this lifetime. But I will say that the more that I’ve narrowed into the practice, the simpler it becomes. I will say that ensure you’re using your whole body to do intentions and affirmations. Be clear and specific, yet leave it open for “surprises”. For example, do not get overly specific with physical attributes. And remember that even if you don’t know where to start, you can certainly intention set having your spirit guides help you with this process. There’s always “something” you can do. Asking for help being one of them.