373. What It Means To Be Unhinged


This is a topic I’ve gone back and forth on talking about, for a few reasons. I think that there’s still some confusion overall in terms of what is and isn’t mental illness. Are certain terms, thoughts, ideas or conceptions “normal” or “not normal”, so to speak. And in the terms of being “unhinged”, what precisely does this classification even really mean? And am I even driving home a point?

I’ll somewhat group terms such as being unhinged alongside being “out of one’s mind”, although again, I don’t now if these are technically politically correct terms. However, it’s hard to describe a lapse in reality or experiences which are out of the norm without expressing a dysfunction in the mind, even if temporarily. So in order to reach the collective on a level which is somewhat well-known, this is the verbiage I’m using.

To be clear, a diagnosed psychosis when/where someone is completely out of control of their own mind, body and maybe even more, is not what I’m talking about. It’s when you’re likely trying to disassociate from these things, but you don’t entirely know how. So rather than it being forced upon you, such as in a psychosis, you are more so proactively doing the work to create this change. Simultaneously, there can be external forces which put this upon you, however I do believe that on a subconscious level, you are looking to mix things up a bit, to put a positive spin on things.

I do believe that the best way to explain this is a significant, severe and perhaps even sudden disconnect. This disconnect is likely between the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual aspects of yourself. It can certainly be characterized by internal energy (yourself) and external energy (your environment), but I do feel that primarily this is something going on in your own mind. While it may be easy to diagnosis this as mental only, consider that all of the elements/aspects of ourselves are quite inter-connected.

So what drives us to a point where our energies are not aligning or speaking to each other? The best way to answer this is some type of a rejection or neglect of one of these areas. This may be somewhat hard to believe as you may not feel that you’re necessarily neglecting anything, but consider that if you are not aligned to your parts intuitively, simply repeating your everyday routine will not be enough to constitute as “self-care”. Often times we need to switch up what we’re doing and thinking in order to flow with the path of our own lives, as well as the collective’s/the universe’s. So this neglect may be very unintentional. The best way to avoid this of course is to practice aligning to your intuition through a series of intuitive exercises. I’ll look into creating somewhat of a spreadsheet, if I don’t have one already. But there are lots of online resources to help you with this.

Keep in mind that not everyone’s life path is linear. Sometimes it’s a little bit chaotic. And if we’re slow to roll with the punches, the reality of the energies of life can “punch us in the face” so to speak.

While it’s true that mental illnesses can certainly arise out of a disconnect with one’s spiritual self, as in the case of anxiety, depression and panic disorders, being “unhinged” is certainly something that happens rather quickly. There’s this “jump” of energy which takes you off of one track/path and potentially for a bit, leaves you up in the air in somewhat of a purgatory or enigmatic state. The bizarreness, suddenness, and disorientation can make us feel ungrounded and really distanced from the perception of our own selves, as well as the reality surrounding us.

Be wary that when we put ourselves in unintentional danger (by again, not aligning to our purpose), or continue to overstimulate our minds or over-inundate ourselves with negative energy (again, unintentionally), we are ultimately riding along this path. Some warning signs are confusion, exhaustion, feelings of melancholy, feelings of despair, toxic or negative relationships, etc.

It’s incredibly important to surround yourself with the right energies. Even if you do feel aligned to your intuition, positioning is key/crucial. You’re going to do well as a lion in the wild, but not so much in a cage at a carnival. But both are the same lion.

But again, I do feel that this is somewhat intentional. The antidote to this experience is further grounding, but also to understand how and why this happened. The best way to diagnosis yourself is to backtrack your symptoms. Are you feeling separated from reality Perhaps there’s a need or a reason for this. Your current relationship with reality was or is not working, and it’s time to take a step back. When you begin to learn what it is you’re intended to see, it’s likely that you will start to feel better overall. Observing any other thoughts, feelings or emotions will be the clues you need in order to move forward.

Unfortunately sometimes it’s just about a waiting game. Helping to envision yourself in the future can also help. Often times when we don’t have a vision or a plan, the universe will put us in a state of forced scarcity or chaos/confusion until we get it together. Remember that hope, faith and optimism are not often taught to us, but critical elements of getting better.

Remember that when you become unhinged, it’s likely that the intention isn’t to ruin your life. Although it may feel like it, the intention is likely to get you into a better position to be aligned to your intuition and life purpose.

Chances are at some point in life, you’ll go through these experiences. But they can be remedied and occur less frequently with better intuition alignment. Lean into these concepts and exercises to support your path(s) in the future. If you find yourself following a path to a place you don’t want to be mentally or emotionally, immediately reach out to your spirit guides, specifically asking for help. And please do get physical support in the likes of a licensed professional. You don’t want to end up in a place which has you even more confused, or with needless suffering.


374. Talk To Your Issues


372. Law Of Attraction