374. Talk To Your Issues
You can use the title of this post with a grain of salt. I’m not enforcing that we must talk to our issues, but there’s a bigger topic/concept at play here. And that is the fact that our bodies are made up of not just energy, but energies, and energy is intelligent and/or conscious, depending on how you’d like to look at it.
So if multiple parts of our bodies are intelligent/conscious, what does that mean for us/ Likely many things we’ve never thought of.
This could hypothetically mean that parts of our body have a mind of their own. This isn’t necessarily surprising, as we are unconsciously breathing, our heart is beating, and lots of things are simultaneously going on, such as our cells dividing and multiplying, etc. This is simply to say that there are lots of things which we are not aware of, nevertheless understanding how or why they work. But there’s certainly more than what meets the eye. In fact, if we think about our mental state, there’s likely lots going on subconsciously in our minds that we’re not presently aware of in this moment.
So we can know and understand that there’s a bit going on that again, we don’t have conscious awareness of. So how can this affect us? I would likely classify this as “latent” energy, or in other words, what your subconscious is doing. To provide a specific example, you may have a deep fear of isolation or loneliness, but it may not be something you’re consciously aware of. Why not? Perhaps it’s been latent or developed over time, but any time you’ve got a whiff of this problem, you do your best to overcompensate for it. You’ve got lots of friends, lots of activities, etc. but deep, deep down… there’s an issue. And this is just one minor example. Perhaps you have a medical root cause in which you take supplements or pharmaceutical drugs to resolve or mask symptoms of. There’s lots that we do which “ignores” our true selves and our true feelings. But as we know… things can’t go unchecked for long. Even if it’s years later, these issues tend to pile up and accumulate. So the main risk is that these latent problems will become larger and bigger than we eve anticipated.
One of the difficult aspects of having an energetic body is that there are multiple parts. Granted we are pretty good multi-taskers, however, the more “stuff” or the more energies we accumulate, the more difficult it becomes to discern. We tend to have worse judgment. We get bogged down, and with this accumulation, we’re somewhat proactively avoiding accessing our true selves. More things and energies, often times causes more problems.
So we understand the risks of having multiple energies, particularly if they’re not in alignment with us (I say this specifically. Because multiple energies isn’t inherently bad, but it runs the risk of having them not in alignment with us). And keep in mind that good or bad is relative to us. What’s good for you might be bad for me, and vice versa.
So what do we do about this if we are already accumulating these energies, and how can we help to avoid negative or misaligned energies in the future? Start seeing these energies as intelligent.
If you have a physical pain in your body, observe it, talk to it and encourage it. Why not? What do you have to lose? We can do the same things for our mental/emotional state as well. This is theoretically affirmations and intention setting. We are treating these energies as if they are living, breathing beings, rather than things that simply “exist”. While it may sound strange, when we consider that these things are simply a part of us, even if they’re bad, we lose control over them, and we also disconnect ourselves from them, and lose interaction. But again, energy is energy. If we really think about it, if we have a problem or cannot release energy, we are subconsciously keeping it here or within us for some reason. And if we are in a loop of holding onto it, we need to break the loop to release it. Perhaps that’s where the “talking” comes in.
If there’s anything to learn from this post, it’s that… we can be more in control of our mind and our bodies than we think. But we tend to shy away from not just asking for help, but interacting on a level which seems strange. It’s only our current perception values and how we interact with our bodies which is to be honest… somewhat made up already. It’s our job to fill in the blank with what works. And if you continue to proactively try new things, through trial and error, you’ll certainly get results. Don’t shy away from things simply because you think it’s too witchy. Like I said, affirmations do help, and the placebo effect does exist. There’s lots to try out there, and chances are, you’ll get it right eventually. Remember that it’s not just your mind that’s smart, it’s all parts of you, too. Start treating them like it!
In terms of the direction to take with these energies, be sure to assert “I am” and an action verb, which will likely be releasing or healing related. Try a few different options which are specific yet broad enough to be intercepted from the universe. In the future, I’ll make a post which dives deeper into affirmations and intention setting. In the meantime, again, try a few different means of intention setting and allow your intuition to guide you. Don’t give up, and have patience! You can also check out other healing related posts to assist you with this process.