376. Why Do We Hold On To Negative Experiences & Pain?
I think that as human beings, we have a fundamentally incorrect understanding of negative experiences and pain. The first misunderstanding (in my opinion, of course) is that all negative experiences and pain are suffering. I find that there’s a strong difference between negative experiences and pain (which are intended to be short-lived as they are a “warning” sign of something going wrong beneath the surface, but suffering is quite different. Suffering is the needless extension of these problems and issues, as we are not addressing them appropriately. Perhaps we’re too focused on the symptom, rather than the root cause. or perhaps we neglect these energies altogether. Regardless, I do feel that there is a strong timeline differentiation. While I do truly believe that we are intended to go through discomfort, pain and negative experiences in this lifetime, we are intended to resolve them, and learn from them.
This brings me to my next point, which is the perception surrounding pain and negative experiences in general. While it’s certainly true that no one wants to personally, or see others go through painful experiences, there is of course… a reason. And that reason varies person to person, but can be chalked up to not just being human, but to learn, evolve and grow. If we’re comfortable all the time, quite frankly… what are we doing here? We need to head through some turbulence, or else we’ll simply be on one path. we won’t be challenged. We won’t always know when our alignment is off-course in terms of our life purpose or intended path trajectory. Sometimes a little bit of pain and discomfort can thwart us from an overly painful opposite outcome. But we don’t always have insight into all of our perceived options or timelines.
The more that we can intellectualize how and why negative experiences happen to us, particularly if it’s related to a concept or theme that we’re going through (for example, the more car trouble you have, the more “transportation” issues you will have on your journey in life), we’ll be able to inform ourselves about greater/more important things, or other areas of our life. Consider that every physical manifestation has a metaphysical or spiritual root cause. There’s so much that we can learn about our negative experiences, which is why it’s particularly important that we document, reflect and deduce our different patterns. What’s consistently working well, and what’s consistently not? How can we hack the system?
I do feel that we can proactively prevent negative experiences by remaining on course with our path and life purpose. This way, other external (or internal) energies do not need to boot us onto a different path. It’s just common sense.
Regardless of why we experience pain, let’s talk about why we ruminate on it. I talk a lot about our energetic bodies being an amalgamation of parts: There’s of course the good, but often times we accumulate the bad. You’ll likely notice that those who are perpetually upset, agitated, angry, etc. may fall into this category. But sometimes it’s a little bit more undercover. Those who are not just upset, but seem to be plagued by perpetual experiences leading to their misfortune and unhappiness are also likely unintentionally harboring old, negative or stagnant energies, likely stemming from negative experiences in this lifetime (but sometimes other lifetimes, as well). We are never taught how to transmute negative energy, so I don’t blame the collective! I do appreciate that we’re moving forward to a place or plan of better mental health overall, so I think that we’re becoming more and more aware as time goes on, which is great. As per usual, I have a post at the top of my blog which talks about the steps to transmute negative energy. You may feel that you’ve done your best to “move on” from situations, but I can tell you with certainty if you’re still stuck in old patterns, there’s stuff that’s still there and lingering. There’s no shame, however, as again, we’re not prepared to deal with/equipped to handle matters of energy. I do believe that we consider our negative experiences to be stuck to us forever, which makes sense, as we have the memories forever. But we can be inhibited by negative experiences for life, unless we transmute it. And that’s where the difference lies.
So say that we unintentionally reject and repress negative energies, and it ultimately gets stored away in our bodies, causing mayhem and chaos. The way in which it does this, is primarily through what I like to call an “energetic prism” which is a perception value that’s created, in which we see the world. So if we have traumatic experiences, we simply see the world through trauma, and by proxy, inevitably position ourselves to re-live the trauma as a subconscious way of bringing ourselves closer to the concept and theme, to hopefully transmute it eventually.
Rather than reiterate what I’ve posted in my transmission of negative energy post, I want to talk about why we choose to not transmute this energy, and decide to hold onto it. Our bodies naturally want to release this energy, because it’s technically energetic burden. It holds us back, and can tend to exhaust us. There’s really no need or reason for it to be here/there. So why do we block ourselves from doing so?
The primary challenge is discerning what is or isn’t a part of us. When we release energies, i can quite literally feel like a death, or an ego-death. If you’re someone who’s afraid of losing their ego, their identity, or parts of themselves, this is going to be a huge issue for you. It’s a very uncomfortable process. But knowing how it may feel, and knowing that you will be okay are important aspects of this process to overcome the fear. There’s also certainly a level of doubt that these energies are not just causing problems, but impacting you in any way shape or form. So of course if you don’t believe in this at all, you’re not going to be very motivated to do anything about it. On top of all of this, we’re not quite good at asking for help. We tend to want to steer our own ship and be the master of our own destiny, but we fail to realize that we are one very small part of universal energy. While we have much control in our lives in terms of decision-making, in terms of out interactions with others as well as the universe, we have very limited control. For whatever reason, particularly throughout time, humans tend to have a very warped relationship with the concept or sense of control. We like to release it when we truly have it, and grasp onto it, when we really don’t. If you intention set and affirm that you want the universe’s help, it will be granted to you. Practically always. Perhaps the solution may not be what you expect, but you’ll get it. You probably just aren’t asking properly.
Because we have a singular conscious experience in this lifetime (it’s not like we typically remember our time on the other side or passed lives), we don’t know what we don’t know. We are afraid to do things out of our own experiences, out of the ordinary, particularly when it comes to metaphysics. But we really have to be confident and brave in the face of changing ourselves from the inside out, if we want to raise our vibration, seek happiness and continue to evolve. It’s worth noting that our evolution, also benefits others.
Take a risk in bettering yourself by proactively setting the intention to release old, negative stagnant energy. Have faith that although you may ultimately be a different person on the other side of it, I can say with confidence as someone who has gone through this journey personally, I am a better person for it. Well worth it.