377. Life Your Life Like The Government You Want


Things have calmed down politically over the last couple of years, or perhaps I’ve just chosen to ignore it. But the seeming political uprisings in the United States have been somewhat quiet, but I’ll say that it is… for now. As we know we tend to live in cycles, this means that we’re just breathing peacefully until the next round of problems.

I wanted to examine our relationship to our government, and how we can improve it. I think that often times as people, despite our ability to vote, we feel disenfranchised by those who are “making the rules” and enforcing them. There’s a separate conversation to be had as to how we can avoid government altogether, but since that’s somewhat unlikely in our lifetime, let’s talk about the current governing body, if it hypothetically stays the same (and the same process to elect officials), and what we can do moving forward.

Despite my desire for there to be a free country with an even freer government, the inherent problem with our collective is that we represent duality. This essentially means that our evolution is often times stunted, as we’re in a constant battle of balance between both sides. Perhaps one could argue this is a good thing, as we do not want to evolve at such a rapid pace physically that we can’t emotionally or mentally keep up. Although I do believe at times, it’s impossible to have a perfect balance. We must be in either an expansion or a contraction state, but never precisely both. As that would be stagnancy, and we know that energy is never stagnant.

Nevertheless, let’s get back to government. Most of us know that problems begin within. When someone has problems with a lot of people, places or things, it stems from themselves. Whatever issue they are having, they are seeing it manifest into their external reality. This is why there’s a lot of important lessons you can learn from whatever you dislike and/or hate. This isn’t to say that the world or others are problem-less. But it means that you probably have just as many problems, you’re just quite better at hiding it. And if you don’t have that many problems, consider yourself temporarily lucky, as you’re going to have to go through other issues, turbulence, pain and discomfort simply in the future. Congratulations! You’re alive.

It’s going to be challenging to understand exactly what the problems you have are, or the problems are that you see in the government, as they can be numerous. Perhaps you feel the government has too much control, or too little control. Perhaps you feel like they’re doing too much, or not enough. Perhaps you feel like they make intelligent decisions, or stupid decisions. Whatever you feel they are doing or are not doing, consider if you also fall to the same fate? It’s important to realize that we as people do not operate precisely like the government, so the physical execution and manifestation of these issues is of course going to be slightly different. But you’ll need to observe from a concept/theme perspective and how it’s appropriate/fits into your life. It’s not necessarily that you as a person put legal restrictions onto other people, but perhaps you put certain restrictions. Are you a bit too rule or boundary oriented? Maybe they’re unspoken. Maybe you hold people to too high of a standard. There’s lots of ways you can carry on a similar theme, just in different ways.

Whatever you feel like the government is lacking, consider if you are doing the same. Are you being the best that you can be? Are you working hard to take care of your needs, and the needs of others? Are you creating respectful, thoughtful and freedom-oriented boundaries? If you’re not the perfect person, it’s hard to hold others, particularly the rest of the collective to that standard. This isn’t to say that we shouldn’t be critical or have complaints. This is saying something even more interesting.

It’s not just projections which are reflections of our own selves, it’s our government, as well. Any time you have elected officials of a country, this is truly a sample size of the people, despite whether or not you believe it. It just simply has to be. If we change ourselves, as people, we will change the government. It will ultimately impact our voting decisions, but also the rest of the collective, unintentionally. I often times talk about how since we share energies of the rest of the collective, particularly those who we’re close to, when we raise our vibration, we raise the vibration of others, as well. It’s indirect.

There are multiple benefits to bettering yourself and raising your vibration. It is truly a butterfly effect. And besides, you don’t want to spend so much of your time angry and irritated at a sample size of the collective. It doesn’t make any sense. Heal the people, before you heal the government. It’s only logical, as they make up for most of the energy here on earth. And they are the voting power.


378. What You’re Not Doing Regarding Life Purpose Alignment


376. Why Do We Hold On To Negative Experiences & Pain?