39. What Are Loops?


Something interesting I’ve noticed spirits and energetic resonances are the concepts of loops. Loops are essentially patterns of behaviors which repeat and continue. Tons of things are on “loop”. For example, the sun rises every day. We brush our teeth every morning. Often times we are “hardwired” with a similar set of thoughts, patterns and behaviors. Every morning we wake up, and we have a concept of who we are, what we are doing, and other information. 

If you’ve experienced some types of paranormal phenomena, you’ll notice that often times spirits or their energetic resonates are on “loop”. In other words, they essentially live out their daily lives doing the same thing over and over again. Sometimes it’s multiple loops, and other times it’s just one. I’ve seen spirits loop while dancing, while walking, and doing other chores and activities. Sometimes they can be so mundane as walking back and forth to one place. It’s hard to believe that an energetic resonance would do such seemingly boring activities over and over again, and it’s slightly a mystery as to why it’s the case. Perhaps it’s been done so much that the energetic resonance is just so strong in that particular area. Perhaps there was a “cataclysmic” event that happened there as well. Often times when we have trauma or heartbreak in an area, there’s often times energetic resonance there as well. Happy or sad.

Needless to say, loops are everywhere. And theoretically we “loop” every day. To be clear, loops aren’t inherently bad. If we didn’t do a certain set of patterns or behavior every day, it could lead to the destruction. We wouldn’t maintain our health and wellness. We couldn’t expect anyone to do anything. No one would show up for a job, their responsibilities, and help take care of one another. Loops make the world go round, and from an astronomical perspective, they really do.

Much like the planets in our universe, I observe loops to generally have a circle pattern. It’s starting at one point, has a middle, and ends in another. And then it virtually picks back up again immediately. One continuous “loop”. Could a loop be represented by another shape? Perhaps a square? I don’t think so. There are disruptions with other shapes causing a block or a misstep in energy. It’s not one continuous motion or movement. I feel that this will be important for later discussions.

Loops in their essence are theoretically an extension of the matrix. The matrix is binary code or pattern which is perpetuating off of itself, or past patterns. The only thing disrupting it or changing it is our consciousness interjection. For example, we have a thought, which creates a motion, which changes the “pattern” which is set before us.

So, if loops are void of consciousness, how could that be? Loops still require energy. But almost… dormant energy. Like you’re there but not really there? Energy is consciousness so… how does that work? I’m not entirely sure. I reckon that it’s “trapped” or “stuck” energy which is just continuously moving in a circle. It has nowhere to go, nowhere to escape to. After all, how can you change a circle? It would theoretically go on forever, wouldn’t it?

If we were all hypothetically in consciousness loops, I suppose it could. But consciousness is the way out. We would have to have a consciousness interjection and understanding that we are in a loop in order to get out. And then… change the shape of the loop.

But how can one do that? Say for example, we wanted to stop the loop. We could hypothetically cut a point in the circle. Or we could change the shape. Having “blocks” or different corners to reroute the energy. But regardless, this shape would need to transform or adhere to another energetic wavelength in order to destroy or get out of this particular loop. In some way shape or form, it needs to change.

So how do loops even start? Based on what I’ve observed, it’s an intense formulation of energy. Theoretically this energy has nowhere to go, so it keeps going in its own circle and pattern. I suspect that consciousness does give it the energy to continue, but it may also gain energy from inertia as well. It’s no surprise that intense trauma can form loops, as this would be described as an intense formulation of energy. Perhaps, since it doesn’t require as much energy to continue in a loop, it’s an “easier” way of being. However, I think there are likely several different answers as to why loops exist and why we remain in them.

So why does any of this matter? Loops represent patterns, and particularly patterns of behavior. If you’re struggling with a pattern of behavior, energetically perceiving loops can help you understand why you’re there and how to get out of it. I'm going to dive deeper into this topic and compare and contrast how loops can directly influence patterns of behaviors and how to transmute them.


40. How To Break Patterns Examining Loops


38. Can Objects Be Haunted?