382. The Energetic Significance Of Different Food Groups


Nutrition and foods is often times a popular topic of conversation. I think the discourse surrounding food in general is not just toxic necessarily, but it’s kind of just confused and confusing. It seems like every decade we’re in an era of vilifying foods. Of food allergies. Of some kind of a warped perception surrounding foods. Since the concept and theme of nutrition is sustenance, as people, we can surely have lots of negative patterns and behaviors which are coupled along with sustaining ourselves, and perhaps as a result, sustaining the rest of the collective. I won’t get too far into the details surrounding our relationship with these concepts and themes, but for the sake of this post, I’m more interested in the energetic significance of particular food groups.

I recall making a video about this and getting a decent amount of backlash, because for some reason every average person is inevitably a nutrition-expert. Kind of odd. But I retain my position, which is that all foods have energetic significance. If foods didn’t have energetic significance, it wouldn’t matter at all what we eat. I mean… we could literally eat inanimate objects and there would be no difference. But we know that through holistic healing and medicine, as well as common sense, the more nutritious your food is, the better it is for your overall health. Each and every person of course is a different case, but at this point, we should be well aware of what is aligned to longevity/overall health, and what is not.

This segues into a more precise level of classification with different food groups. If all food groups have energy, and some are “better” than others, then what’s the difference between the main ones? I channeled major ones to find out.

Fruits/veggies: Fruits and veggies almost have this like… “slip and slide” energy to them. They are very much a clear channel. It’s no surprise that they don’t have very many calories, inherently. Because of this energetic concept, they can be used as a tool to help people become more of a clearer energetic channel. This may mean that they are proactively releasing old, negative and stagnant energy, and are closer to spirituality/source. There is a downside, however. If you only eat fruits and vegetables, because of this association with a clear channel, you may feel quite un-grounded. Perhaps very floaty. This is why denser, more carb-loaded fruits and vegetables will be helpful. Kind of like the delusion you feel when you haven’t eaten for a while, hat’s what fruits and vegetables have a tendency to do to you. However, to remain a spiritual being, they are certainly important to have regularly/consistently.

Meats: Meat is such an interesting topic for me, because I truly feel that I am not supposed to eat meat in this lifetime. But why? Perhaps it’s related to the concept/theme, or perhaps it’s personal. Meat is an incredibly dense energetic substance, some more than others. But the key energetic component is that of grounding. So if you are feeling particularly ungrounded, meat can help with that. But in a similar way that too many fruits and veggies will have you ungrounded too much meat will have you too grounded, and yes, that can be a bad thing. Being too grounded can have you stuck in the matrix, the day to day, and lose your sense of divine femininity and spirituality. It’s a good thing to have in moderation.

Carbohydrates: While many things have carbohydrates, I am primarily referring to grains, rice, beans, legumes, etc. More “starchy” things in general which are almost “sticky” in nature. The truth is… they’re also sticky in their energetic compounds/components. Carbs in general tend to “stick” to things. I feel this is likely why people find that carbs have a tendency to cause you to gain weight. Well, that could be the case, but only if you are already inhabiting a lot of old, negative or stagnant energy. The truth is, you want to eat enough carbs so that you can “recycle” energy within your body. So if you eat carbs and you use it wisely, in order to “stick” to the bad and process things out, you’re doing a great job. However, if you over inundate yourself with carbs, and you are just blocking all of it within your body, it’s going to remain stagnant/stuck there. So you’ll want to ensure that you’re practicing a healthy amount of transmission of negative energy for your body, and eat the appropriate amount of carbs needed for your particular energetic experiences/journey.

Overall, this is just a general guide. Feel free to take what fits. But I think the sentiment stands that we should be more aware of not just what food we’re eating, but what energy it brings to us. It’s important to use it wisely, particularly for where we want to go. Do we need to connect more to divine masculine? Perhaps meat is for you. Or opposite, do you need to connect to divine feminine more? Perhaps more fruits and veggies is the way. You can use food as a strategy for your future, just as much as anything else. Really take note of how you feel around eating these items, and beyond just “good” or “bad”. Really dig into it. This can help inform in more detail what you are aligned to, or not. And keep in mind, that it might just be for a certain point or place in time.


383. How Can We Achieve True Alignment?


381. The Problem With Standard Intuition Tests