40. How To Break Patterns Examining Loops


Please see “What Are Loops”.

So, we know that loops are everywhere in our daily life. We ourselves perpetuate patterns, as well as live in a matrixed reality which perpetuates patterns as well. A loop is essentially a “circle” of energy which has a stop and a start and an in between as well. Its “loops” or in other words repeats. Loops form typically from a burst of energy which causes it to loop in a circle or repeat itself. Loops and patterns are an extension of the matrix, but also very important as they guide our everyday life and keep us in reasonable “order”. But what happens when we’re creating patterns which we don’t want or are not beneficial to us.

The concept of a loop being a circle is important. It has a start and end. When we say “break” the cycle or the loop, we in essence are talking about severing the “start” from the “end”. We can do it before it picks back up again, or perhaps in the middle. I would argue that before it picks back up again is likely the best time to break this cycle as the inertia of the loop would likely be difficult to stop. We are essentially on “auto-pilot” at that point. Loops can be particularly soothing as there’s not a lot of energy which needs to be put into them. It’s just again… a pattern. I do feel to a degree that the matrix “takes over” or in other words, our consciousness interjection is low or practically non-existent at all. IT’s sometimes why we end up in an “auto-pilot” response to things.

So, if we’re in a loop which is essentially a matrix or auto-pilot response, and loops are generally composed of this, would interjecting more consciousness not work? I think it would. So, what is consciousness, in essence? It’s a thought, feeling or emotion. It’s likely that when we begin our loops again, we are void of new thought, feeling or emotion. Not to say we are a robot, or an empty shell, but there isn’t an override of anything new in this regard. When we interject a loop (whether in the middle or before it begins again) with consciousness, we would theoretically override the loop matrix. Before you begin the loop, try simply acknowledging that it’s a loop, and saying to yourself, “I acknowledge the loop. And I will not be proceeding with the loop”. You could really say just about anything, so long as you acknowledge the loop and acknowledge that you will not be proceeding with it. You’ve essentially gained consciousness within a matrix. You have new thought, feeling or emotion. You are overriding the matrix. 

I reckon that some loops are so strong that you may ultimately feel pulled to continue the loop out of either fear or inability to transmute this energy. Consider how a loop was formed. It was a “cataclysmic” energetic event. Perhaps it deepened over time, but the ultimate goal of the loop was to be devoid of consciousness for some particular reason. You “let go” of your responsibility and control. What if you gained it back? What if you put through force the same amount of energy to stopping the loop as it was when it started. Whether that’s extreme thought, feeling and emotion to a new way of being or living, or simply that of stopping the loop altogether. This sort of goes back to the “override switch” which states that if you don’t like a certain behavior, and you can’t garner enough hope, motivation or wisdom to stop it, latter it up to a more important overarching theme. For example, if you can’t find the motivation to get in shape for yourself, get in shape for your future children, grandchildren, etc. You’re “overriding” the here and the now, and the benefit to yourself and for yourself.

Let’s talk about loop structures. If we “break” a loop, that means we’re left with a line, or a string. But where does that energy go? It’ll need to go somewhere. Completely dissolving a loop isn’t entirely possible because energy can’t be destroyed, so it must go somewhere else. Consider a new “loop” or behavior which is much more positive and beneficial. If we think about it, much of our lives are comprised of starting and ending loops. And then transmuting that energy to start new ones all over again.

Let’s consider the circle. What if we’ve tried everything but we can’t break the loop? Can we change the shape? When a loop is in a circle, it’s a perfect energetic motion. It’s got no blocks and obstacles. But what if we change the shape. We make this perfect circle a square. Now it’s got corners and places where energy can be “stuck” or redirected. What if we put up these “blocks” for ourselves to shift this energy? For example, if you want to stop ordering coffee every morning, you delete the app to get the coffee. You only allocate a certain amount of money for buying groceries each week. You change your morning routine to make it more challenging for you to continue this loop. The energy is no longer as strong or as fast. It becomes easier to break the loop.

At the end of the day, it can be easy to stress about loops. Particularly if we’re having difficulty breaking them. Acknowledgement of a loop and willingness to test or try anything to break the loop is honestly all you really need. Everything else is trial and error. By picking at it slowly (or re-arranging the shape) it will ultimately become easier and easier. A lot of fear can be associated with breaking loops. The loop is all you know. What will you do now? Know that you can always create a new and better loop for yourself. Also, with less consciousness interjected involved. Not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Sometimes it can also be challenging to take responsibility for being in a loop. Loops are in essence designed to be separated from consciousness. It’s so hard to know that you’re in one, and how to get out of it. Again, don’t stress.

See if these tips can work for you. Remember, everything is transmutable at the end of the day. It’s all energy.


41. Are You Afraid Of The Other Side?


39. What Are Loops?