41. Are You Afraid Of The Other Side?
I had this in my notes and immediately thought… “oh, I’ve done this”. But I haven’t. What I’ve done is fear of death. But I don’t feel that being afraid of the other side and fear of death are the same thing. After all, you can certainly be alive and afraid of ghosts. Perhaps you’ve even subscribed to a religion which has made you fear for your “fate” or eternity on the other side, as well. There can be unlimited amounts of fears related to the other side as it remains relatively unknown to those who are living.
I would describe the “other side” as being incredibly vast, expansive and ultimately fascinating and interesting. I would even say beautiful. There are areas and aspects which are like nirvana. But there are also dimensions which “feel” like hell. None which I expect any humans to go to but hey… if you want to, you’re certainly entitled. Generally I feel we create our own “world” when we pass as a projection of our own consciousness. Kind of like dreams. But we can certainly interact with others. I feel that we sort of continue our journeys on the other side, and as we ascend we become less like our old selves. We can certainly fractal, as we are fractaled here, so we can live many different types of lives as we so choose. Our destinies however, are up to us.
I find that most people who are afraid of ghosts, spirits and “the other side” have received a vast amount of conditioning in their lifetime which states that there is much to fear on the other side. My first suggestion is to stop engaging with people, religions, communities or spaces which regurgitate this information. It will likely lead to more fear and anxiety. Instead, surround yourself with more people who are more positive about the other side. Who preach that there are options and opportunities. And that you’re the master of your own destiny.
Next, it’s important to face your fears related to these themes. What are you afraid of which you have access to right here right now? Is it ghosts? Perhaps encourage yourself to face some fears by exposing yourself to experiences related to ghosts and spirits. Whatever interests you. Perhaps it’s meeting with a psychic or medium. Or maybe it’s even going on a ghost tour. I would recommend getting to know actual people who work with this on a daily basis, as movies and TV shows can often times be dramatized or skewed in order to illicit an adrenaline response out of people. Personally, I find this to be a huge reason as to why people do have such a negative reaction to metaphysics. It’s depicted in a horror or supernatural thriller type of way.
While physical exposure is great to combat certain fears, there are several other spiritual, mental and emotional components. I would strongly recommend getting in touch with your spiritual side, but in a way that makes you feel safe and works for you. It can be guided meditations, sound healings, yoga, etc. Perhaps it’s even a psychic reading, a past life regression or a shamanic healing journey. There are so many ways which allow space, support and healing for you to dive into the most un-tapped, uncomfortable or repressed parts of yourself. I find that spirituality is everywhere and within everything, so it can even be as simple as loving yourself, giving gratitude, self care, giving back to others, etc. How do you perceive or more importantly, “feel” spirituality within yourself? Is it with certain things, certain activities? Lean into these not only to cultivate more of a relationship with your own spirituality, but to raise your vibration and help you overall feel more happy, positive and joyful. I do feel that as you do this, you’ll lean more into the vibration of love overall which by proxy will lead you further away from the vibration of fear, as they are both on opposite ends of one energetic spectrum.
Lastly, I do feel that developing a relationship with your own intuition (which is primarily based in trust) is very important. As you begin to lean into your own intuition, you’ll have psychic ability to some degree. You’ll be able to sort through more of the unknown and make calculated guesses. As most people who are psychics and mediums will tell you, the other side is certainly nothing to be afraid of.