410. What We Can Learn From Radio Waves
While it’s a theory still in progress, I had a thought come to me somewhat random someday. There’s something… important about radio waves.
If we’re being entirely honest, radio seems like antiquated technology. We’re hardly ever listening to the radio now with podcasts and music streaming services. Why would we need to? I only personally listen to the radio because I’ve got quite an old car which isn’t bluetooth savvy.
Radio waves are elements or ideas which mirror our consciousness, if you think about it. Channelers can “tune in” to certain vibration and pick up what others are talking/speaking about. There can be perhaps unlimited different “waves” to tune into. Or we could theorize, that there’s one that we’re in consciously/physically, and another, which encompasses all of these hypothetical radio waves, simply in another dimension. In its most simplistic of ideas/forms, there are simply two dual dimensions. But of course, his can certainly range on to infinite.
Simply by “zoning out” I can pick up on these “radio waves”, whether it’s messages, universal information, or other. This can be directly from conscious beings, or picking up the “vibes” from the universe. Maybe it’s plant life, animals, or just “leftover” energy. Hard to discern what’s just leftover and what’s actively conscious, but in a way… maybe there isn’t much of a difference. Who can really say.
So if channelers can pick up on waves and vibrations, and people can tune into their own radio waves and stations, what can radio stations, waves and what they play on it teach us about channeling, the collective, and maybe even the universe as a whole?
I think the first place to start is the validation that “unseen” forms of communication exist. We are so quick as people to dismiss any type of psychic ability, but the truth is, there’s “psychic” information being shared constantly. Through technology, but also realistically, through telepathy in plants and animals. When we think about it this way, we’re virtually the only conscious beings not fully taking advantage of it. But I guess that’s a story for another post.
An interesting note I considered when listening to the radio was distance. It seems like the closer we are to the “source” of this information, the clearer it is. Would this certainly be the case for energetic information? Consider that point and place in time is relevant. This may mean that information happening 5 years ago would likely be easier to pick up than ones having 5,000 years ago. Which quite frankly, makes sense. If we think about energetic “relevance”, it would be difficult to read a world where our thoughts, feelings, emotions and physical beings were so incredibly different. We would virtually have no frame or reference.
But we must think about these radio waves in general. There’s got to be a certain amount of power, as well as super directed energy to emit radio waves. How can we extrapolate this information and apply it to ourselves? Say for example you’ve got a ton of energy yourself, and you want to influence or impact the collective. How can you or do you do it precisely enough, and perhaps maybe even, subliminally enough, that it only goes noticed when and if you tap into it? It’s kind of a brilliant philosophy marketing wise. How does one do this? Or is it simply the though of it… that does it? We certainly don’t need fancy machines to express ourselves, but in some ways, to amplify our own voices, we do. Perhaps we need to take a page out of the book of radio waves to inform us.
There is something interesting in being able to “tune in” to the radio station that you want. But I often times wonder if our preference for a station is simply bias, and we would truly be more interested in another. Kind of like… you think you should be listening to this, but maybe you should be listening to that. Granted, i do feel our interests drive the “truth” in what we should be listening to. So as long as it’s from love and not from fear, perhaps we’re okay.
These are just some initial thoughts with an everyday device. I suspect that through the forces of the universe, its elements, as well as technology, we can really gather some true insight in how we can direct, produce and execute our own energy. It’s likely a simpler equation than we suspected. I’m certainly no scientist, and as a result, am not overly familiar with the way most things technically work, but I’ll certainly keep my eye out for things in the future. In some way shape or form, we all need to be inter-connected to live in the same dimension. It’s just about observing how.