413. The Importance Of Shared Experiences
In the age of social media, it’s more prominent, and arguably, more important than ever to share experiences. Maybe these are physical experiences, mental/emotional ones, or spiritual. We can share drawn out stories, or perhaps just clips of our everyday life. I think that many of us can observe, that while there are certain reasons why videos go viral, there’s always something regarding “relatability”. When an audience sees a video fo another person authentically sharing their story… maybe through tone of voice, specific experience, authentic perspective or more… there’s a connection. This connection can be lots of things. Maybe an audience members feels that they are the person, they are drawn closer to the person, or maybe it’s simply validation of their own feelings. But something almost… more important happens.
In a world where our sense of reality can sometimes be warped (I think we can all think of worldly experiences where this is/was the case), there are only certain things which ground us. Let’s just say that it’s not the news and media. It’s the ability to connect to other people to know and understand what’s “real”. We may both look at the sky and see a different shade of. blue, due to the ways our eyes are hard-wired or designed. But chances are, we both can share a sense of the same feeling when we look up to the sky. Perhaps clarity, peace, calm, etc. When describing or expressing these feelings, we remind ourselves that we are here with each other, we are much like each other, and that despite how we all perceive our environment and reality, there’s something bigger or “realer”… which is class consciousness.
I think this is somewhat of a lesson in regards to shaping the true opinions of others. Facts and figures always tend to fall flat, because it loses the essence of connection and true feeling. If someone expresses themselves in higher level concepts, feelings and themes, chances are the other person in the argument, discussion or the audience member will be able to resonate because despite not having the same physical experiences, they will have in some way shape or form, experienced a similar concept or theme. I may experience the theme of loneliness differently than you, but it may feel, at its root or foundation, the same. This is what bonds us as human beings.
Somewhere along the way, when we get too involved in the physical, we lose this authenticity, essence, and shared sense of feelings. And chances are, we uproot our empathy and sympathy in accordance, as well.
In a world of technology and false realities, it’s so incredibly important that we ground ourselves in what is “true” and “real”. And keep in mind, that this chances every single second. I think in a way, feelings provide. sense of hope and optimism, when our world is so… incredibly not hopeful sometimes. If we get too involved in what our environment and landscape is telling us, we lose connection with our true selves and the future.
Being vulnerable, despite its pain and discomfort sometimes, is truly what is making the world move forward. The opposite is just bottling yourself up for the sake or self-sacrifice or something of the sort. Sharing yourself or your stories does not just let other people in to help you. You directly or indirectly help others. And while it may cause you a twinge of pain, I suspect it’s worth it at the end of the day.