414. Is Intelligence Outdated?
It’s hard to imagine a world where someone would ever say this. How could intelligence be outdated?
I suppose we should start with the idea of what intelligence is. To be honest, I’m not even sure. From a quick google search, it seems to be the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. I do like how broad this definition is, as it isn’t just related to producing facts and figures. There can certainly be lots of different types of intelligences. But I wonder what this really means if we dig in.
If we are to understand this concept, it would mean that any human being would observe the world, what’s already been done, known and created, and be able to deduce and sort of… digest this knowledge. As a result, their future executions, behaviors and doings would in some way, mimic this information, or perhaps even multiply on it. Of course just repetitive behavior would not specifically be the only thing one could do with already-existing information. Otherwise we would have no advancements, we would likely just run around in circles doing the same things over and over again.
But here’s where I want to speak on. If we consider our history as people, we do tend to run in the same circles over and over and over again. But not in the way we think. History repeats itself, just in different ways. Maybe we’re not all in a physical war with each other, but in some way shape or form, we always kind of are. Sexism, racism, homophobia. Hating or bullying each other for being themselves. Since as long as people alive can remember, it’s always been there, no? No matter what vaccine we develop, no matter what resolution to global warming we have, no matter how much easier we can make our lives every single day, and how much we can therap-ize ourselves, it seems like one of the only human truths is that we can and always will be sick, addicted, in fear, drowned our by our own negative behaviors, and as a result, projecting it onto other people. Sometimes I do truly wonder what advancements in technology and science is actually doing, if it’s simply perpetuating the worst parts of our society, and in essence, amplifying it. I do suppose that it’s helping to unearth rejected or repressed energy, but still. We are on this merry go round of always needing to treat the next sickness or illness, resolve the next problem, but what we don’t realize is that they are all the same concepts and themes. We are the same people just the next generation dealign with slightly different physical manifestations or executions of these same ideas. Have we ever truly sat and wondered why we are going through the things we’re going through/ Why people are unhealthy and sick? Why we have so many interpersonal problems? Why our economy is suffering? We are so quick to blame anyone else but ourselves. But the truth is, since we all share the same energetic pulse, it’s all of us. And when no one takes responsibility, it grows like a cancer.
To be clear, this is not me saying that intelligence, science, medicine or technology is irrelevant. It’s certainly not. In a lot of ways, it has truly brought us more option sand opportunities as people, which is invaluable. However, almost simultaneously, it’s putting more pressure on our more immature, underdeveloped sides or parts. And for me, that’s our spiritual and psychological health as a whole.
There is no use for intelligence and technology without the integration of pure spiritual essence, such as passion, growth, energetic alignment and creativity. Intelligence, as a whole, is simply deductive, and not perceptive. It goes off of what simply only exists, which can be replicated and patterned. Similar to our physical matrix. But our class consciousness is what drives the collective and evolution forward. Our advancements, which are likely a mix of happenstance, epiphanies, creative problem solving or thinking, and more, is directly derived from our consciousness as beings. Something that AI cannot replicate. It’s truth, while physical reality is simply execution or manifestation.
If we never sit and ask ourselves why, and what the “point” of energy is, whether it’s plants, animals, nature or more, we’ll always be at its mercy. We will never be ahead of the game. When we neglect to understand that diseases and bacterias and viruses are simply a byproduct of the earth, nature and the universe doing its best ob to “balance” itself out, while we perpetually focus on a stark imbalance within our own collective, we’ll continue to perpetuate these problems. Unless we start intellectualizing energy, concepts and themes, we’ll be doomed to repeat it. Always. Unless of course, the universe steps in. But we certainly don’t want that. It likely already is with how torn and divided we are as a collective, already. We can actually make advancements, progress and stop stagnating and slowly killing ourselves by paying attention, having self-awareness, looking into metaphysics, and allowing our intuition to guide us. Why be rats on a mobile when we can be the actual, proper humans understanding and looking at the rats on a mobile. Unless you’ve got a fully formed, ego-less, unbiased perspective on your life, the collective and the lives of others (as well as the universe) perspective, you do not have any perspective. You simply have your own which is a singular observer in a world you don’t know very much about. This is why spiritual integration and intuition access is important.
I essentially beg of the collective to start intention setting and affirming their awareness not just as a person, but in the grand scheme of the universe. The truth is… a lot of people don’t want to do this for very many reasons. There’s a comfort in living in fear, denial, even anxiety away from truth. Truth bears responsibility and acknowledgment. And the truth is, you can’t acknowledge the truths of the universe, without acknowledging the deepest and darkest parts of yourself. It’s like… once you’ve crossed the threshold, you can never really go back, in all other areas of your life. Truth is like a movie which is being veiled. One inch of the veil only give syou a little bit of insight into what’s happening with the movie. But once you uncover that one inch, you know it exists. And knowing it exists means you can never go back.
I do feel we have the power as a collective to change our own individual lives, as well as the trajectory of the earth and the collective. And considering we never truly “die”, just transform as time goes on, I would say… it’s worth it. We can truly make a better world for generations which come after us. I know it.