415. Politicians Perpetuate Hate As A Means Of Control


What’s hate? It can likely come in lots of different forms, but there are certainly classifications of hate. Homophobia/transphobia, racism, sexism. We can even put fat-phobia, classism and more under this category. But in terms of twisting the fate or the opinions of the collective, it’s clear that the first three are of top priority. By that I mean, during political campaigns, in some way shape or form, these topics are brought up. Sometimes they’re a bit more subtle, and other times… much more overt. But is this by accident? Absolutely not.

Fearing your neighbor as a common, or perhaps just even your enemy, may seem like an irrelevant “game” that politicians play. Perhaps politicians feel that it preys on the weakest, most sensitive, or perhaps even the most enraged parts of yourself. After all, when a country isn’t doing well, as we know from prior experience, there is a grand opportunity to shift the collective’s thinking to perpetuating or projecting all of this sense of hate onto a certain group of people. This has been done several times over. Whether it’s the politics “creation” of a certain hate group, or it’s simply leveraging what’s already going on within the collective, it’s a powerful bargaining tool. On one hand, it provides a sense of sympathy, a sense of validation, and often times, a “solution” to be put in place, even if it’s unclear or abstract. Just the promise of one will likely do the trick.

One may think… isn’t a divided nation more difficult to work with? I would argue that in many instances… yes. But divisiveness automatically prompts a very interesting byproduct which is… new localization of control. If you’re a person who hates your neighbor, you’re likely being driven by fear, uncertainty, and in particular, the want and need for a solution. You will be pledging allegiance to anyone aligned to your beliefs, offering you this solution. Not only would you elect an official, you would be a trustworthy partner, likely doing anything for them. This sense of loyalty is particularly important to last through an election cycle, as well as for additional terms moving forward. Preying on your sense of fear and insecurity isn’t new, but I’ve been shocked to see how much more apparent it’s been. Outwardly making racial remarks really was not something I would expect to see in this lifetime. But again… here we are.

When the fire of your hate is flamed, let’s get real. Hating others does absolutely nothing in your favor. What would truly bring people together is alliances. But an allied country is incredibly dangerous for individuals who want to be in charge, because they would no localize control. The control would be amongst the biggest body of people. And by that I mean… even if there still was a sense of democracy… it would be incredibly clear and straightforward whom the elected officials would be. They would clearly align with the collective, and there wouldn’t be opportunity for individuals to take advantage of their position in office, and quite frankly… do what they wanted to do. They would literally have to be servants for the people. And that’s not really a pretty picture for many people who get into politics. When your intention is to win to do something for yourself… how disassociated can you be from the actual point of what you’re doing. It’s a smoke and mirrors show, and you as an audience member, are really not getting the best bargain. You are essentially showing up to the magic show being exploited, divided, and used for the negative poison that exists within you, and you project onto others. Not exactly my favorite kind of show, to say the least.

If you do not want to be used, abused and taken advantage of, stop letting fear overrun your life. Because if you are afraid, you will be taken advantage of. It’s just a fact of life. Because you’ll only seek out things to make you feel better as an individual person through your own perception value. And not look into things which truly benefit the collective at large. Or to be honest… are likely tuned into the collective, your own intuition or class consciousness in any way shape or form, virtually nullifying yourself as a voter with any sort of position of alignment and/or power. Truthfully… those in a state or sense of fear are stagnating, going against the flow of evolution. And are likely looking out for themselves. Looking out for yourself is not a bad thing. The most important thing that we can do in this lifetime is take care of ourself and take responsibility for our actions.

If and when we come together as a collective knowing that people from all walks of life are our allies, we can actually not only support ourselves as individuals, but on a collective level. In return, we raise the vibration of the entire collective.

To put matters simply, fear destroys you. It eats away at you, it rejects and represses energy, forcing it into a crystallized prism in which you see the world. This prism is warped, it’s not reality, and it forces you to not take advantage of options and opportunities which can lead to your success, because it unintentionally diverts you in ways that allow you to feel comfortable with yourself and your current fears (I couldn’t quite make this sentence eloquent). You remain stuck, stagnant and in your own zone.

Do not allow others to take control of you, or your life. It’s not just with politics, it’s with all walks of life. By having more awareness, autonomy, peace and love, and proactively working on transmuting fears and negative energy, you will not only be unstoppable at life, but you’ll truly be “in control”.


416. Why People Want To Be The Villain


414. Is Intelligence Outdated?