431. How To Retroactively Deduce People’s Problems
We are what we project, and often times what we perceive.
Everything always comes from within. This is why it’s particularly easy to understand what the “root issue” is, when we open our mouths. When we show our behaviors. When we distinguish our goals, interests and more. Even our appearance says a lot about us. I think the mistake that we often times make is feeling like people are unique because of no particular reason. However, as a channeler, I often times know each and every part that makes up a person. Our past lives, our experiences, our astrological chart, ancestry karma and more. It’s all a very delicate “equation” so to speak. Since man of these characteristics are not inherently problematic, but simply concepts and themes to look out for and work through, any negative rhetoric or behavior that someone is advancing, is likely due to an energetic problem or issue. One that is likely traced back to one or more negative experiences acquired in this lifetime.
If you’re not already familiar, I believe that the energetic body is an amalgamation of parts, meaning that we have positive parts and negative parts that we simply acquire from living. The goal is to keep these negative aspects under control so that we can move forward uninhibited by pain, suffering and negativity.
It can sometimes feel impossible not to be affected by someone else’s negativity, particularly when we are in a soul contract with them. And even if we still need to do the work to release ourselves from said contract, there’s still work that we can be doing to help us better understand what and why this is happening.
Segue into how you can truly figure out any person’s issue or issues by understanding the energy that they project. Perhaps, in a way, this is quite obvious. Because if someone is clear with their negative behavior, you can simply say… “this person has a problem with that”. But sometimes it’s a bit more undercover. sometimes it’s not so obvious. That’s where the real metaphysical and intellectualization work comes in.
So let’s start with the basics, and work our way to getting more specific. Keep in mind that this does not cover anything and everything, it’s simply just a start.
A last question would be… what to do with this information? Do you tell them, keep it to yourself? Keep in mind that this person or these people are likely in an active state of denial, meaning that any and all information which comes to them regarding this concept or theme may be sensitive. It may e up to you with what you feel is right to share. But certainly consider the timing, approach, and more. On the other hand, sometimes the knowledge itself is the most important, as you can apply it to help others who want to be helped, as well as yourself.
While you may read some of these and think that perhaps there are just circumstances in which healthy people create problems. Allow me to remind you that non-problematic people don’t create problems. Energy must have a source in order to ignite from. So we must ask ourselves what that source is.
Negative energy: Again, this can be negative expression, negative behavior, bad “vibes”, so on and so forth. This is likely specifically traced back to one or more negative experiences. Typically, negative people may be having timeline issues, as well. Meaning that there’s friction and tension because part of themselves wants to move forward, but another part doesn’t. This often times creates anxiety, mental illness, anger and more. Often times depression sufferers are typically tapping into the negative experiences as a whole, and those who are more overt and angry are attempting to process this, but are struggling. Anger, in my opinion, is often times the result of “misalignment”. So on a subconscious level, perhaps depression sufferers need or want to be in the negative space (even if they’re not consciously aware of it), and those with rage are attempting to transmute this energy, but it’s getting “caught” in some way shape or form.
Breaking down/bullying others: This is really an entire group of instances where people personally attack others. Perhaps they attack their appearance, their socioeconomic status, what they have done in the past, and more. Whatever it is… the person perpetuating this negativity has a warped relationship with the specific concept or theme. Even if a person seems or feels confident with themselves, if they are attacking the appearance of others, or the way others behave, they have an insecurity about it. Since it is coming “out in the open’ and it’s not being overly repressed or rejected, it’s actually likely that they will be forced to deal with the concept or theme soon. So now that if you are negatively treating others, particularly with the way they are as a person, time is coming for you! Lol. I suppose that’s also a good wrap up. If someone is attacking you for the person that you are, particularly if it’s authentic, that person has an issue with their authentic self. They may not realize it, they may not understand it… but it’s there.
Censorship/enforcement/control: This is an interesting one, but with a pretty obvious root problem. The person intending on controlling you is in some way shape or form, feeling out of control in their life. The irony is, that often times those who are already in a position of power are the worst offenders of this. Why? Because it’s their life journey/mission to be in a state or sense of control, because it’s a coping mechanism for being out of control, or it’s the only way they can actually feel safe. They typically struggle from a fallacy of finite abundance, meaning that if others gain control, they will not. But this is usually based in/on them not wanting to evolve and/or their inability to understand their true place in the world, as well as make room for others. Censorship is paired with this, as it’s a means of control, but censorship is really its own theme. For those who are unable to see or hear the truth, they will likely try to enforce censorship amongst others. In a world of free thoughts and ideas, we become smarter and evolve more quickly. For those holding onto negative energy, this is not ideal. Enforcement is of course simply the verb in which this is carried through. The larger the enforcement, the higher the stakes and the more unwilling a person is to “move” into where they are intended to be in this universe.
Judgment/non-acceptance: Also a pretty easy one to deduce. Not accepting others is truly a result of not accepting yourself. Depending on what is not accepted by a person will likely tell you what the issue is. In terms of gay rights or women’s rights, it’s clear that there’s a divine feminine component. In a way, I do also feel like this is the basis of many racial issues, as many races tend to be more divine-feminine forward in their belief systems. Otherwise, it can be pretty clear to retroactively understand what someone’s intolerance is related to what they can’t or won’t tolerate about themselves. Perhaps it’s not an identical physical sameness, but conceptually and thematically… it is. This is simply paired with judgment, as you are immediately casting it upon a person based on whatever this root issue is. Often times people who judge others are seriously rejecting and repressing energies, making it extremely difficult for the person themselves to locate the issue.
Neglect/lack of care: This is a pervasive issue, and for some reason, I do feel it tends to affect women quite substantially. Reason being is that often times women struggle with the concept of self-care. It’s likely that there’s an issue with worthiness tied up in those who neglect or do not care about or for others, particularly ones who are close to them. Neglect can come in many forms, and not just people. It can be neglect of responsibilities, an environment, etc. There may also be an issue with these people accessing or executing their life purpose, as there’s a lack of “point”. Whatever it is they don’t care about or neglect, is what they’re neglecting about themselves. It’s also very possible that they’ve had experiences which has simply been “lack of”, particularly lack of neglect, of course, but also love. This often times goes highly unnoticed, because every single person is different, meaning that the way we take care of others may be more individualistic than we anticipate. You could raise a child in what you perceive to be the perfect “textbook” procedure, however it was not aligned to that particular child, inevitably.
Out of control/unexpected behavior: This is of course lack of control within one’s self, but likely in more of an emotional/mental way, which differs slightly than other means of control. People, like “Karens”, may become out of control if a situation triggers a concept or theme they’re already struggling with. It also of course, may bring people who are already struggling or frustrated or over the edge. For others who struggle with this more frequently, it’s likely a processing issue, likely stemming from development. If you’re unable to process and regulate your feelings and emotions, this is a difficult thing to learn over time. These people may have also been raised in environments where it was not acceptable to show feelings, meaning that throughout their learning lessons with this theme, they inevitably swing far the other way.
Energy vampire: It’s pretty clear that energy vampires are either lacking sources from themselves in order to sustain or… well, that’s pretty much it :). Even if they do ave enough resources to sustain, and they’re interested in just draining the world, that’s realistically a part time job. So there has to be a reason “why”. It’s also possible that these people did not receive enough attention or energetic resources, meaning that they’re on auto-pilot. Also for whatever reason, they may be incapable of providing their own energetic resources for themselves and developing healthy relationships. It’s totally valid that we cannot provide all of the energy we need for ourselves, as we all need help, but energetic vampires have unequal energetic exchanges with others, and use people against their own conscious will to get it. They may be insecure or unable to form healthy attachments as a whole.
Disappearance/non-visibility: This would essentially be someone who does not follow up on their commitments, they’re non-communicative, or perhaps they simply don’t want to be “seen” or exposed by others. There could certainly be a fear surrounding visibility as a whole or “showing up”, likely coming from an insecurity of feeling comfortable with oneself. Perhaps even “seeing” oneself and wanting their authentic parts to be removed, while proactively rejecting or repressing them. This can also be a way to avoid responsibility, if someone is feeling insecure. There’s lots of ways in which people can avoid many different things, even beyond responsibility, such as critique and criticism by not being visible. Overall, this is typically chalked up to insecurities about one’s own capabilities or abilities.
Rage or overreaction: As mentioned, rage or overreactions is based in the hemorrhaging, colliding or inability to place timelines which is causing problems and/or tensions. Different parts of your energetic body want to be doing different things. You can certainly be triggered by a particular concept or theme. This can also stem from inability to process information or emotions. The antidote here is certainly aligning to your most authentic self as well as your most authentic life path moving forward. Rather than there necessarily being any negative experiences related to rage or overreaction (which there certainly could have been, and it’s a learned behavior), this is often times a byproduct of life.
Gossipy/invasion/teller of secrets: The insertion of oneself where they don’t belong can certainly be the inability to feel at peace, at home, or comfortable/confident with oneself. If someone has had negative experiences feeling like they don’t belong, whether that’s friends, family or community, they may have difficulty with connections, relationships, and in particular, communication. Alternatively, someone who is a large gossiper or can’t seem to keep secrets may be willing or able to use these things as a means of “powering up” socially or perhaps even professionally. They may weaponize whatever they can get their hands on, which is more of the divine feminine approach to power and control as a whole.
Warped relationships with people/places or things: Typically, warped relationships are an inability in general to form positive, healthy or connected relationships with other energies (not just humans, can be places, things, and more). These experiences were never created nor solidified, or at least in a healthy way, and people are bouncing around the earth in an attempt to learn these lessons themselves. As a result, they may enact out several different iterations of connections and relationships to simply learn. Typically, people’s learning lessons tend to coincide with each other, which is ultimately helpful. So, oddly, while this can be chalked up to negative experiences causing this to happen, it can also simply be lack of experience causing this to happen, as well.
Abuse: Abuse is really tricky because metaphysically, it almost falls out of this category. There’s something a bit deeper, at least from what I observe regarding abuse. It’s almost… ingrained in our DNA. While people may perpetuate negativity in a harmful way that affects others, abuse is something different. It’s almost a hard-wiring of our brains to enact or play out certain scenarios. I do feel there’s a strong ancestry trauma/karma link to abuse, a soul “contract” link to abuse, as well as what I refer to as the cycle of repetitive behaviors, meaning that those who were abused are often times ultimately abusers themselves in order to fully learn the entirety of the spectrum of abuse “learning lesson” so to speak. Abuse is so tricky because it sort of lives on as its own entity which is this entity in itself. I say that because abuse is kind of like… this “negative entity” which is pervasive. It continues to live on, as if it’s this own thing. And in a way, it almost has to be, as abusers are often times quite different on a soul-level from their identity of abuse. Perhaps abuse is a curse of some kind. Perhaps it’s a destiny. Perhaps it actually is another being/entity possessing us. I’m not entirely sure. But I do know that cycles of abuse can absolutely be stopped, as hard as it may be.