47. Are There “Bad” Spiritual Foods?


I’m not going to lie to you, if I were an alien, one of the most bizarre things I would observe on behalf of humans would be the obsession with diets and diet culture. Particularly the obsession with foods which are made and grown from the earth. Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t meant to shame anyone who is prioritizing health, picky about foods, or picky about foods out of necessity and needs to stick to a certain diet. All of that is incredibly valid.

I’m however talking about diet culture and the arguing back and forth that we do to determine what are “good” foods and “bad” foods. It’s never ending and not only that, but things are changing constantly and rapidly. It makes you wonder, what’s actually the point?

To be honest, I don’t think there is one. And we will never be on the same page, because we all need different nutrients, and we all have different tastes. It seems like our culture is starting to catch on to how toxic demonizing foods is, and I think we’re moving in a great direction.

I bring up this topic because I would get a few questions about my monthly channeling guides, where I channel what are “power” foods for the collective. In other words, which foods are most in energetic alignment. Sometimes these food would be perceived as not so great. They would either be carbs, sweets, or any other items which are controversial at this point and place in time.

I feel like it’s too obvious but I must ease everyone’s worries. If it exists as a food, there’s likely a reason why. Unless it’s poisoning us directly, there’s a want or a need for us, and therefore there’s a point and a purpose. It serves an energetic purpose. Just because it doesn’t serve an energetic purpose for you, doesn’t mean it’s bad.

So let’s talk about these foods in particular. Say sweets comes up as being in alignment. How could that possibly be? Consider that yes, food is energy. But that means it spans the entire spectrum of energetic importance. Which means, just because it isn’t the most fuel-oriented thing you put into your body, doesn’t mean it’s not important. As we all know, food is a connector. And it can be a mental, emotional and spiritual connector as well. Perhaps you enjoy food which you shared with your family. Perhaps you enjoyed food which you ate in a past life. All of these “connectors” provide energy for you in some way shape or form. Or perhaps they just provide… happiness. Even for a moment in time.

We get very caught up in what’s right or wrong, and we are uncomfortable living in a grey area. But the fact of the matter is, that’s where we are. We’re always in a grey area. Where we have decisions to make. Maybe sometimes we’ll make the wrong ones and maybe sometimes we’ll make the right ones. But what is right and wrong? Is it wrong to live fast and die young with an “unhealthy” diet? Or to live a long one void of joy and happiness. Of course it can be argued that physically, healthy food makes you feel better, but what about moderation?

Truthfully, as we span all of our existence, the “perfect” spiritual diet is trying one of everything. It’s having an incredibly multi-faceted diet, this way you are experiencing everything and everything. Not only that, but you’re training your body to feel all of these different energetic properties and impressions. It will help you be more prepped for the future and in general, more energetically well-rounded. Consider variety to not only be the spice of life, but the energetic necessity of life. It spans multiple areas and aspects of life, but food as well.

Intuitive eating in my opinion is one of the best ways to “diet”. But it’s hard to get right. Often times intuitive eating is criticized due to people having a slightly unhinged perspective of “anything goes” and ultimately overeating or overindulging themselves. It’s really about being in the moment and asking yourself what your body needs. What would make you feel the most happy, the most loved. I think that often times there’s a dissonance between conscious want and subconscious want. And it’s really important to access the subconscious want.

It’s so important to relieve ourselves of shame in order to feel good and move forward. Continue to seek out licensed health professionals related to your diet and exercise. And consider intuitive eating as a possible option and addition to your current wellness routine.


48. Are You A Contraction Or Expansion Person?


46. Why You Should Conceptualize The Absence Of Security