48. Are You A Contraction Or Expansion Person?
As a refresher, contraction and expansion are the two forces of the universe. Like many other things in physics, energy contracts and then expands to not only give it “life” or motion, but to change and evolve. Without this coming together of both parts, no real “work” will have been done. This is essentially the same concept as how it affects us. While the universe does expand and contract, so do we. We have moments of “expansion” where we are moving forward, learning and evolving, while also remaining in the same space while simultaneously learning and evolving from that as well.
Contraction is considered more concerned with the “self”. From a physical perspective it plays out as taking care of oneself, as well as the “home” and others around you. Although not always, it’s typically associated with a more simplistic lifestyle. It’s focused on the “home” in general, which is also associated with anything you are associated with, or “close” to you, such as your town, community, state or even country. It’s focused on taking care of the self first.
Expansion is essentially the opposite. It’s focused on group and community. It’s the spread of new thought and ideas as well as globalization. It’s more focused on reflection amongst others as well as forward motion and freedom of thought, feeling and emotion. It has much to do with collaboration and the “trading” of new ideas. In essence, it represents our group consciousness and the victories and epiphanies that we all share together. From a physical perspective, it typically is represented by friends, acquaintances, those “outside” the home. Perhaps professional relationships as well as the concept of travel. Anything which is not close to you is considered a part of expansion.
So how can you “be” one or the other? Well, truth is that you’re always both. Without either of these concepts you would essentially cease to exist. One needs to take care of themselves as well as be a proactive member of society. But typically we lean toward one or the other. Although contraction may seem that it’s more of a feminine trait, it’s actually quite the opposite. Expansion is inherently feminine while contraction is inherently masculine. However when we are in this fractaled existence, typically we are trying to learn the “opposite” of our inherit strengths, which is why often times we are more attracted to one or the other. For example, if you’re a female, you’ve inhabit expansion, so therefore you are more attracted to the concept of contraction, not only to balance yourself but to continue your learning and evolution in this area.
That’s not to say that it’s so evenly divided up. Often times people are close to half and half, leaning slightly one way more than the other. But what does this mean?
If you’re someone who feels naturally attracted to the concept of contraction or “home” and “self”, it’s likely that you will feel at peace in those types of situations, scenarios or environments. This is essentially where your energy is at its most “filled point. Where you get an equal energetic exchange. Or where you’re drawn to in circumstances and situations in life. Likewise, if you align more with expansion, this is typically where you feel more at peace. And whichever way you lean, it may be more challenging to go toward the other. It’s really important to know which you lean toward, as you may unintentionally distract yourself for reject the other as a defense mechanism, or simply because you’re unsure, afraid or just don’t want to deal with it. The truth is, it’s integral to have a balance of both. When you are able to sustain energy of both contraction and expansion, you’re at the most optimal level to evolve. Or in other words, do what you came here to do, but also receive the success and abundance that you’re looking for in this lifetime.
So if you’re a natural “contraction” person and it’s easy for you to take care of your home, but challenging for you to travel, you may need to reconcile these differences in order to move forward. Likewise, if you enjoy participating in group activities, but struggle to take care of yourself, you may be ultimately inhibiting yourself or holding yourself back.
I think that the best way to approach this is first acknowledgement, and then acceptance. You’re not perfect, and you’re incarnated in a fractaled state. It is hard to hold both of these concepts together. And I genuinely feel that the goal is not to have them be equal, but just to have them be reasonably balanced. When you understand that there’s a dissonance, it’s easy to face your fears in order to get done what you need to get done. There’s a larger goal ahead of you, and there are some things which you can compromise for the sake of the end result.
Best of luck :)