49. Portals


I admit, I’m not a portal expert. In fact, it was only semi-recently when I discovered my first portal, or portals. During my intuition opening I was actually so knee-deep into my own intuition and discovering what lied “beyond”, I was completely under the assumption that not only were portals real, but they were widely accepted. To me, there was no difference between portals and black holes or worm holes, right? I mean same sort of thing…

Turns out I was very wrong, and portals are only considered “real” in science fiction and video games. Interesting! I felt I fundamentally understood portals (while not understanding everything about them) as they were the primary means for spirit to earth transport and communication. Now, portals seem slightly less relevant to me. I’m not sure why. I suppose that now I start to perceive dimensions sitting on top of each other and therefore portals are perhaps not as needed or as common? And when you channel, you’re projecting your own consciousness in the ether, so it’s not really earth-based anyway? Honestly, I’m not sure. But I certainly know that portals exist, as I have seen more than one.

The first time I discovered what a portal was and looked like was lying in bed. It was dark, but dimly lit. Supposedly this is the perfect time to “see” things such as auras, etc. I was looking up and I slowly pulsing rainbow waves. IT was sort of iridescent… kind of like how you see gasoline fumes at the gas station. It was see-through but you certainly knew that something was there.

Another time I was at a Reiki share and I saw smoke coming from the corner of the room. Again, another dimly lit room. It was clear that nothing would possibly be causing smoke that small and in that isolated of a space, so I dismissed it. Afterwards, another person in the room indicated that they saw a portal in that exact spot. After doing some light researching, I discovered that smoke is also a sign of a portal. Seems strange as it’s quite different from the original portal that I saw, but perhaps this left room open for not only different types of portals, but also different types of perception values.

As I started to discuss with others, it became clear that lots of people have had similar experiences, particularly to my first. The iridescent rainbow-ish waves. Hard to believe that so many people would perceive this “glitch” in the matrix and immediately know it was a portal. Couldn’t be a coincidence. It seemed like everyone had a slight variation as to what they saw, which would likely account for again, different perception values, but also different values/properties of the portal itself and perhaps the conditions it was seen under.

After seeing and intuitively channeling them, it seems to me that they are simply a “soft spot” which allows energy to break through, moving from different directions. It makes sense as different energetic beings must technically take on different properties as they move through different densities. But there’s a lot that’s still unknown to me.

From some research, it’s believed that strong energetic forces can actually create portals and that they can pop up really anywhere. It made sense that my energetic body was quite strong (or perhaps quite unhinged) as my intuition, causing these rifts. But it’s been so long since I’ve seen one again. Again, I think that visible conditions really determine whether or not you can see them.

As I mentioned, portals have become less relevant to me, but they are quite intriguing. I’ll continue to keep my eyes and ears open but seem to be more drawn to dimensions themselves. Looking to dive more deeply into how dimensions work in correlation with each other in the future.


50. Anxiety & Energy


48. Are You A Contraction Or Expansion Person?