51. How To Change People’s Perception Value Related To COVID
I find that COVID as a whole ladders up to the concept that truth isn’t “real”. Truth is only perceived reality. Yes, it’s true, we have what I like to call “collective truth”, which is generally truth that the collective aligns on. However, it’s not always true. Even our most simplest of truths is often times challenged. But I don’t always feel this is a bad or a good thing. We should always continue to challenge ourselves and the forces that be. But at what point is this detrimental for our growth and evolution individually as well as a whole?
Say for example we say the sky is blue. One could argue that the sky is not blue. Not only is blue a made-up “thing”, but we may not all be seeing the correct color blue, or the color blue at all. Would this therefore mean that it’s not truth for everyone? If you don’t see it, how do you believe it? In many situations, you may ask several different people about an event that happened. It’s likely that everyone will perceive this situation slightly differently. Which can make it challenging to have a collective truth, particularly with so many people on earth.
It’s important to realize that people make decisions quite often out of thought, feeling and emotion vs. aligning to “facts”. This can make it hard to convince people to make decision based on these facts. It may seem illogical that one would be presented with a fact and they do not change their mind, but it happens all the time. That’s why it’s important to understand why people are acting or behaving in a certain way.
I ladder this back to the two driving forces of our reality, and sort of the universe as a whole which is love and fear. This is also the guideline for the energetic vibration scale. Are you doing things out of love, or are you doing things out of fear? It’s sometimes hard to tell, and although there may not be a standard right or wrong, there’s certainly a right or wrong for us. Often times this “right” is what leads us as well as others in the direction of growth and development. Yet, often times we block ourselves from doing so. Why?
Fear ultimately inhibits us from being our best self, as well as being altruistic to others. Consider how many times you’ve said “I’m afraid that” or “I don’t think I can do that”, or something else self-limiting. Why? What’s most ironic is that when I think of some things, I feel totally blocked that I can’t accomplish them or achieve them. What’s ironic? They are incredibly simple. Yet I simultaneously have the confidence of things which are way out of my comfort zone. When things are close to us, it’s likely that we’ve developed a close connection to them which is often times unhealthy. I also want to clarify that not wanting to do something because you feel it’s not authentic to you is different. However that would be a different phrase. Something to the tune of “I don’t feel that’s right for me”. Typically this is based on external feedback, or our experience with different things related to this accomplishment or achievement. So many things can influence our thought and emotion, it’s challenging to pin point the source. But nevertheless, so many outside factors, or even internal factors can warp our perception of certain people, places or things. It can become really tricky when it relates to what we want to achieve in the future. Our hope sand dreams. How we perceive ourself and how we perceive others. I’ll be making another entry related to “rewriting memories” which will be helpful in this regard.
While it’s safe to say that some are afraid of expansion of thought, feeling and emotion (we are in about a 4-5 year period of expansion overall) and do not want to continue on with the collective and would like to isolate themselves, I do feel there are more specific fears related to acknowledging COVID.
Safety and security: There’s a fear regarding acknowledging COVID as a whole, as this is a threat to our safety and security. This is tied into fear of threat or loss of control. If you find that someone is having trouble acknowledging COVID despite being presented with facts (or its influence), it’s likely that they may struggle with fear of safety, security, threat or control as a whole. Which means that these concepts and themes may play out in other areas of their life. The best way to do this is to improve on these areas in other aspects of their life. Some examples could include job/career/finances, love life, family live, friends/acquaintances, etc.
Unwillingness to align with the collective: This sort of ladders back not wanting to move forward with the collective. Now you may be thinking, who doesn’t want to move forward with the collective? Would that mean that they don’t want to live on earth? Consciously, most people do want to live on earth, or they have a driving force to do so. However subconsciously we sometimes are hesitant to move forward in life. A lot of times this plays out in us making our life incredibly difficult for ourself by not taking care of ourself or self-sabotaging. If our energetic vibration and alignment is not in coordination with the trajectory of the collective, it’s not a match. Consider that as a society we have been escalating rapidly with our growth and evolution, particularly in the technology sector. If you are unwilling to adapt or change, it’s going to become increasingly challenging for you to continue to integrate here on earth. But I want to go further with this. Why would there be a fear of unification? Or moving forward? Consider that in order to unify as a collective, you need to unify yourself. All of the bad and broken parts of yourself. If you refuse to bring together aspects or areas of yourself which are “bad”, then you’ll remain unaligned and fractaled. If you can’t align yourself, how can you align to the collective? I do feel this fear is also related to loss of autonomy or loss of individuality. By aligning to a collective, you may feel that part of yourself is being lost along the way. However, it’s important to note that intuitively knowing yourself and embracing your strengths will always prevent this from happening. I want to call this out in particular as I feel it’s quite a common fear overall.
Fear of self-responsibility: Personally, I feel this is one fo the most challenging fears plaguing our current point and place in time. There can be fears associated with taking responsibility of yourself, as well as others. Although it’s irrational to think that we are responsible for everyone and every thing on the planet, to a degree we are. As in we must use our abilities whether that be your physical action, your thought, feelings, emotions, voice, vision, etc. to help orchestrate and create change. It’s important to take care of your loved ones, your community, your home, pets, etc. And it’s not to our detriment. We create relationships with our surroundings and as a result, they take care of us as well. Remember that self-responsibility is a slippery slope. By taking responsibility for one area of your life, you must take responsibility for others. If someone is in a position where they are self-sabotaging and in major “failure”, taking responsibility could be devastating. It’s often times much easier to avoid this as a whole.
So what is the solution? It would obviously be the perfect scenario if those struggling with these fears not only related to COVID but overall are able to overcome them by proactively transmuting this energy. In other words releasing the fear, or simply adding more positive experiences to their life related to these overarching concepts and themes. However that’s not always as easy as it sounds. The best way to shift the collective’s perspective is to talk about this. Have open discussions. Ask questions. If people are too sensitive to talk about COVID, ask related to the overarching themes. For example, “How would you feel if you had loss of autonomy? Or control? Perhaps if you had to take more self-responsibility. By opening up these discussions, you allow these dormant, rejected parts to come to the surface, which therefore means it is at its prime peak to be dealt with. When something is buried so deep in our subconscious, we never access it. But by acknowledging it, we can bring it to the surface and therefore “shed light” on it. By asking questions, it provides a confrontational/judgment free zone. We can start to get to the root of these issues and help people reduce or even remove some of their fears. I know that it seems too good to be true, and it’s because it’s a journey. It’s not going to get resolved overnight. But we have to keep trying. It’s the only way that we will evolve as a species and to be honest, be happy.