52. What Is Channeling & Reading Energy?
I wanted to take a moment to really take a step back and explain a little bit about not only what I do, but what I feel and how I perceive the world. I consider the phrase “channeling” to describe reading energy or information. But what is reading information and how can you do it?
The best way I can describe it is just having an extra sensory perception, which is essentially a level of awareness and intuition. I think that there are a few ways to read energy, the two primary ones being resonance as well as communication.
Resonance is simply existing and feeling. It’s almost like you exist and you can understand that you exist and you understand your energetic resonance, and therefore you can allow yourself to “be” at one with anything and everything. It’s kind of like starting with the knowing that everything is inter-connected, and then allowing yourself to completely put yourself into a meditative space where you allow any and all impressions “overtake” your body. If you do get into a meditative state where you are incredibly receptive, I guarantee that you will hit this level of awareness, but a lot of times people get uncomfortable or afraid and they sort of project energy back out, therefore negating any receptivity. I consider this to be resonance because it’s simply “being” and allowing yourself to resonate.
The next type of channeling or energy reading is actual communication. This is where you exist as an intelligent being and you become a means or a mode fro communication using one or more of the Clairs. So this could be clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, etc. This is where you will receive more “intelligent” impressions from any and all things with have a conscious intelligence and are able to communicate in a more methodical and greater way. Actual communication is often times used with spirit guides, ancestors, and sometimes inter-dimensional beings. What’s very unique about this type of communication, is that typically you need to be in a similar energetic space or zone. So typically it’s with passed people who were humans, or other inter-dimensional beings which have similar communication styles to you. Once you start to ascend more and become a higher-level being, this type of communication is kind of irrelevant, and often times they decide to communicate more with extremely abstract concepts and themes. Words sort of no longer exist. Pictures have no meaning or relevance. It’s more so about a handful of concepts and themes which are used to explain life’s most meaningful, conscious and important aspects and values.
So how is this different from being a psychic or medium? It’s kind of not. Psychics and mediums use similar processes of “reading energy”. I do want to clarify that everyone is incredibly different. Some people not only use more than one clair, but it can be challenging to even understand what the impression is you’re receiving and how to categorize it.
I find that the terms “psychic” and “medium” don’t entirely accurately describe what I do, primarily because I feel that it’s too deep into the communication aspect of channeling vs. resonation. I do also feel that there’s a lot of information spread about what psychics and mediums do, and their reputation and validity throughout culture. I do use these terms as they are well-received on behalf of the collective, primarily because most people generally know what psychics and mediums do. And again, my work is very similar, if not from some perspective’s, the same. But again, I don’t feel the terms fit very well.
I think that the bigger issue is that psychics and mediums are considered extremely specialized fields where no one really has access to. But I find that the scale of intuition and channeling is accessible to anyone and everyone. It’s more so a process which can be honed in on and practiced, vs. this sort of mythical character which is so far removed from society, that they are living an entirely different life than most of the collective. It is true that at this point in my life I have a very different perception value than previously, but I still live on earth amongst people and enjoy very similar interests, thoughts, feeling sand emotions. I just have my intuition honed in on a bit more than others. But quite frankly, this is no different than any other specialized field.
Throughout time, I’d like to dive deeper into these topics to sort of expose (so to speak) more about channeling and make it more accessible for the masses. I hope that I can help people understand hat spirituality, intuition and channeling is available and accessible for everyone. Do I intuitively feel that everyone I incarnated to be a channeler? No. But I do feel that intuition is really our guiding light for ourselves in this lifetime. Helping us choose our path forward as well as many other areas and aspects of our lives.