53. Goal Setting


Although goal setting may come easy to some, I personally find it quite challenging. In a way, I do feel I have subconscious goals but there’s at times a dissonance between consciously interpreting them or physically executing them. Perhaps it’s a personal problem as I tend to swing too far into one direction of duality. However I would reckon that even seasoned goal setters often times find themselves in situations of conflict, indecisiveness or questioning.

I think that many people look at goal-setting from the wrong perspective. It’s often times a semi-cliche question in job interviews. Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Minus the pressure to answer with something they want to hear, often times we construct our goals within pretty strict confines of our reality, or what we perceive to be already-established ideas and positions. In a way, I feel the question itself is ironically quite limiting. It’s almost a have to answer. But again, perhaps that’s just me. 

As I continue to struggle with my goals, I find it particularly helpful to take myself out of the equation and look at my life from a third persons perspective. I would strongly recommend that regardless of whether you implement this practice or not, you start from the top and work your way down.

When I hear the question, “what do you want to accomplish in this lifetime?”, I feel a bit overwhelmed. There are of course so many possibilities and I find it hard to predict my life so far in advance. But when I reframe the scenario as realizing that I have one life as-is incarnated in this lifetime, what would I regret doing or not doing? Rather than become overwhelmed by so many options and opportunities, o lean into a discerned, almost visceral reaction as to what I need to do before I pass on. Perhaps it’s a bit dramatic, but for those struggling, likely effective.

Although I typically understand that everything starts and begins with us, and that we will hardly interact with the majority of the collective face to face in this lifetime, our connection to the collective and the universe at large is invaluable. Every person incarnates to provide something back to the collective, whether we realize that or not. So what is yours? If you’re having trouble narrowing into, consider your strengths in the eyes of others. Again, moving into a secondary perspective can be incredibly helpful.

I often fond that what we provide to the collective is similar at times to what we provide to our loved ones, but it can be and different and vast as each and every person we know. Consider each person you truly valuable and cherish in this life. What do you feel is your purpose within this connection and relationship? What can you provide to them? I often feel that when we lean into this, we strengthen our bond and continue to move forward in the face of adversity.

Lastly, it’s important to ask what you provide to yourself. This can be a bit challenging as well as abstract. It’s important to know that this is distinguished from what you want to accomplish in this lifetime. Although they are both growth and evolution, what you provide to yourself is more primarily related to your karmic journey and healing. What lessons do you feel you were incarnated in this life to learn? How can you be proactive with helping yourself on this journey? Consider that often times these things are spiritual, mental and emotional vs. Physical.

Steps in order:

  • What you want to accomplish in this lifetime

  • What you want to provide to the collective

  • What you can provide to those close to you

  • What you can provide to yourself

    *note to seek out others’ perspective and point of view in order to help inform your decisions.

    Once you have a firm grasp and understanding as to what these answers are (even if they ebb and flow over time), you’ll be able to start to delineate how this physically manifests per decade, year or even month. It allows you to make more actionable steps based on larger, more over arching concepts. I don’t inherently find it bad or wrong to focus on manifesting very specific, physical things. But I do feel that often times what we “need” presents itself as surprise and delight moments, which cannot be planned for. If we allow ourselves to align to a higher and greater good, we have more insurance that we can translate these wants and desires into a reality.


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