54. Are Millennials The Throat Chakra Generation?
Although I never would have considered each generation having an association with a chakra, for some reason it spontaneously dawned on me. Perhaps it’s because I have some throat chakra issues and I’m part of the millennial generation. In fact, that’s how it started. And then I started to observe how pervasive throat chakra has been throughout all of our lifetimes. I feel particularly entitled to speak out on this being raised amongst lots of millennials :)
So what is the throat chakra? Well, simply put it’s the chakra between your third eye and your heart. And it’s quite literally located in your throat. Although it speaks to obvious connotations of “voice” it also speaks to expression as a whole. In other words, your particular perspective. Once I started putting the pieces together, I noticed many trends related to throat chakra.
Singing: Let’s get real, singing isn’t a new philosophy. But it’s interesting to observe how prominent singing has been in the millennial generation. We idolized pop stars and used a brush to pretend-sing to our favorite tunes. Karaoke has been popularized and jamming out in the car. Let’s not forget the show of our generation, “American Idol”, as well as its multiple spin-offs. I’m sure every teenage girl at one point or another has wanted to be a pop star. In fact, we idolized them. Singing and performing as expression was incredibly pervasive.
Having a “voice”: Not new to this generation either, but it’s clear that “having a voice” has gone through several iterations throughout our generation. Admittedly so, in a negative capacity. While individual altruism as well as sharing point of view and perspective became so much more pervasive in the 2000’s due to the rise of the internet, there’s been much backlash as well. The ultimate throat chakra “test” has really been an explosion in hearing voices from multiple areas of the universe, which would never have been the case otherwise. But all of this perspective sharing ultimately comes at a cost: a generation of cyber bullies. It’s no surprise that being “different” or sharing different beliefs can get you in trouble. Particularly growing up in my generation, it was hard to survive. Now with newer generations, it seems like the more unique your perspective is, the more you are idolized. However I felt the exact opposite. if you weren’t taking the “cookie cutter” approach to your self expression, you were ostracized. It felt like only those with true confidence and a carefree attitude could actually break through the mold. But at times they were still in fact, quite the same. It’s funny to see lots of posts on social media which talk about millennials being “stressed out” to speak up. It seems like this is a non-issue for other generations. Although we may have confidence, it’s a struggle to generally express ourselves, stand our ground, and really speak up for what we want.
General expression: Expression comes in so many forms, particularly through writing and journaling. It’s no surprise that we were obsessed with our tween journals with passcodes. You couldn’t watch one millennial girl TV show without an excerpt related to journaling or writing. It seemed like every movie displayed a female journalist fighting for her way in the world. Also, apologizing in advance since I am a woman and this is primarily from a female perspective (lol). An expressive boom in art and literature is no doubt a symptom of a throat chakra generation. Although again, arts and entertainment are not remotely new, I do feel that expression of individuality has come on the rise. Particularly thinking of indie music and indie movies. While we existed within the confines of a stressed out invite-only club of expression, there was also a need and a longing for individuality. Many “fringe” artists came to the forefront, as well as an explosion of different styles and varieties of music in particular.
The world at large: The critique on expression has been at the forefront of many conversations, particularly political. We have dealt with a years long struggle of expression. What is right and what is wrong? Are you allowed to spread “misinformation” if you truly believe it to be true? What is helpful and what is harmful to the collective? Many public figures have come under much scrutiny for their approaches and content related to expression.
Communication: It’s interesting to observe how much more intelligent we’ve gotten with communication. Even by simply watching old shows, it’s clear that we did not possess the intelligence to understand and dissect communication. Although that may have been a byproduct of youth, I feel generally so much more informed related to pitfalls in communication. I do feel that as a generation, we were stiffed in terms of expression in order to not look “weak” or “stupid”. Now it seems that over-expression is more valuable than under-expression in order to resolve feelings and get ones point across.
Individual public platforms: As a whole, perspectives have shifted the way that we consume information and even our reality. Do we want to listen to news from a news station? Or do we want it to be covered by an influencer or another public figure who shares their own unique perspective? People have become totally bored and to be honest, untrustworthy with major news sources. They want to have a relatable and approachable perspective presented to them. And it makes sense. Particularly if we are a generation how has been silenced or hindered with expression, we are longing for finding this expression connection with others.
Physical issues with throat chakra: Although this isn’t always the case, we are ultimately a generation which may be plagued with physical issues related to throat chakra. Consider that this can also be nuances such as inflection and tone of voice, or simply how information is delivered. So negatively, this could mean that we struggle with communication and expressing ourselves, therefore either leading to inarticulate discussions or perhaps even issues with speaking in general. But this could also manifest into health issues around this area in general related to neck stiffness to thyroid issues. It’s sort of endless, so long as it’s related to or communicating with the neck area. This could have even been related to highly publicized rates of tonsillitis, etc.
So what’s the point of all of this? The major thing to note is that throat chakra is an overarching theme. It has negative issues and positive issues as well. As a generation associated with throat chakra, it’s likely that several areas and aspects of our lives have something to do with expression as a whole. Whether that be communicating within relationships or expressing outward to the world. It’s important to consider that throat chakra will likely move with you as you age and continue to present you with learning lessons. Understand that throat chakra is your greatest asset and provides you with many great strengths, but can also serve to be your downfall. Continue to push yourself related to throat chakra. There are lots of online resources which can help you flex this particular chakra. Don’t give up! Energy is always moving and you can transmute it at your will.