67. How Do I Know What I Know?
I often times get this question. How do I know what I know? I believe this is often times tied up with not necessarily my psychic and mediumship ability, but my resonation with past, present and future events. Here is essentially what I do in order to begin to comprehend things from an energetic perspective.
Say for example, I want to know more about a major event. Let’s say that I want to tap into the current state of foreign affairs and governments.
The most important process is not to project any pre-conceived notions onto my channeling. Essentially, I start from pretending like I know nothing. I find that this is particularly vital, as I only allow impressions to advice me, regardless of how seemingly random, odd or meaningless I perceive them right away. Consider that they always ultimately laddering up to something which makes a bit more sense, or at least they are so persistent that it’s clear they will make sense at another point and place in time.
I feel that in general people have a very different sense of psychic ability than how I perceive it. When I have to deconstruct really challenging concepts, I typically just put myself in a meditative state considering the intention. Then, I observe anything and everything happening to me. Even a slight hint of a thought, feeling or an emotion is relevant.
Compared to other channelers, I tend to perceive things in 3-D. Almost as if I’m observing something which is invisible, but is still in front of me. So I just have a feeling there’s an orb which is to the left of me. Often times when I deconstruct really complex problems, it’s shown to me as different “pieces” of a puzzle, and typically these pieces are circular orbs. Sometimes the orbs will hit into each other (which would indicate a stark contrast or “butting heads”), sometimes they are far away from each other (which would indicate some level of disassociation), and their speed and location are also taken into consideration. It’s almost like deconstructing a game with simply 2 pieces. Every aspect of their motion and trajectory is relevant, but it’s up to me to figure out how and why. And simultaneously, it may be very different for other channelers.
I think that as people not only investigate this process, but try it themselves, they are immediately skeptical. They don’t feel or believe they can do it, and therefore don’t feel or believe the results. I personally feel that intuition is like 90% trust. On top of that, it’s really important to really know and understand how you can read energy and information. What impressions are being given to you, and how you can decode them. Remember, information will always be given to you if you ask. It’s just how you feel comfortable receiving this information and what you’re willing to do with it. If you have a fear or a blockage with receiving information, it’s likely not going to come in abundance or quality. Keep practicing.
Although there’s a lot of disbelief that people can know so intimately or deeply about other people, places and things, consider that we are all stemming from one source of consciousness. Therefore we truly are anything and everything else. It’s just simply our perception value which limits us. While I do consider myself ”special” so to speak with having an enhanced gift or ability, I know that anyone and everyone is psychic. I consider living several past lives to help assist me with my multiple perception values (I think this is often times critical, as it’s like being multi-lingual so to speak), but everyone incarnated here on earth has lived several past lives as well. So perhaps it’s about gaining more experience in this life, and simply aligning more closely to past ones as well.