68. How To Deal With Hauntings
“Hauntings” is an incredibly broad topic. What is a haunting? And what differentiates it from simply being? After all, there are spirits around us all the time.
I consider hauntings to be a particular nuisance. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are bad. Sometimes they are more subtle, and resonant energy, other times they are incredibly active and include poltergeist activity.
Typically places are haunted because there is a lot of resonant energy there. Resonant energy is typically created when there is an extreme emotional event that takes place in a particular place where a loop is formed and doesn’t stop. Loops can hypothetically go on forever until there is consciousness interjection from the creator of the loop, or someone else. An example of resonant energy would be a passed previous tenant doing the same activity over and over again, sort of “zoned out”, not aware they are alive, and not aware that you are there, either. There’s not a lot of consciousness in this loop. Typically some abnormalities may occur, but this energy isn’t specific nor is it typically aggressive or personal. Typically people who deal with resonant energy are not even aware that it’s there.
When energy is incredibly conscious, it’s almost like another human being is living in the space with you. This can be a positive spirit or a negative entity. It can feel or look like a person, or something entirely different. Although these spirits or entities could certainly have lived in the same place as you in a past life or different dimension, typically they are interacting with you or your space for a particular reason. Sometimes you may even find that some people in the home are more sensitive to this energy than others. Typically since they are conscious entities, they “feed” off of our energy. Personally, I find that negative entities surround us and even leech off our energy on the day to day, so the good news is that hauntings aren’t so incredibly unique. But I admit, they are often times scary and annoying.
There can certainly be multiple levels of haunting and perceived danger. There could be a random occurrence every so often, or it can be an incredibly terrifying and persistent thing. If you feel deeply unsafe, it’s likely a good idea to call in expert guidance and advice and not put yourself in a situation where you’re deeply uncomfortable. AKA, leave the home. Rather than “attack” these entities head on, I find it’s not only safer and wiser, but generally more effective to start with yourself. Here’s some steps I would take or questions I would ask myself if I were in an active haunting. And remember, reach out for help if you feel you need it.
Deduce the haunting high-level: Do you feel threatened? Do you feel like this entity is malicious? Do you feel unsafe in your own home? Remember that it’s okay to feel startled, but you shouldn’t feel scared. If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s likely a good idea to get an expert involved. While I am myself not an expert on home readings and cleansings, I know that in previous times psychics, mediums and even members of religious institutions are willing to do at-home visits. Ensure that you seek out someone not only reputable, but someone with good and consistent reviews. Note that a psychic or medium doesn’t necessarily need to visit your home in order to provide an accurate reading and give you guidance, advice and next steps.
Ask further questions: What is the pattern with these experiences? How does it ladder up to an overarching theme? Are the spirits or entities particularly interested in one person in the home? Are you aware of the history of your home and space? Start a journal and pull together any relevant information that you have. Often times you can make calculated guesses in regards to what this spirit or entity wants. Consider that behavior which is sometimes “shocking” but is not malicious, is likely to get your attention. Often times spirits want to be acknowledged in some way shape or form, or even draw a connection. Lean into your intuition to determine what you “feel” the purpose of this spirit or entity is.
Acknowledge the entities: While you can certainly attempt to make contact if you feel this is the right thing to do, I typically would not recommend dealing with a sensitive subject if you are a complete novice, particularly in your own home. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to completely dismiss them. By acknowledging and accepting the entities, I feel that often times we release a level of fear. Consider that if you have more negative entities in your home, they simply feed off your fear. By not being afraid of them, they begin to lose power. Consider that as you go through this process, the haunting behavior may escalate as they want to keep you in this fear-based state as they have more control of you in this case. Again, you may be startled, but you don’t have to be afraid.
Make boundary-oriented statements: Remember that this is your space. Not only just your home, but this is your energetic space, your thoughts and emotions which are being disrupted by these entities. You can state any intention that you want. Popular ones include, “Claiming that this is my own space, and no entities are allowed to remain in this space/my space. Please leave at once.” You may find that intuitively you want to say another statement, and you may say it as often as you’d like, inside your head our out loud. The more confident that you are in your statement, the more effective it is to work. In other words, ensure that your words remain free of fear. Ensure that you truly want them gone. I know it sounds strange, but sometimes people want to keep entities around. If you’re not directly communicating with the entities and you’re unsure of your purpose, they may be either keeping your company or perhaps even protecting you. You just don’t know. Sometimes our subconscious makes it more challenging to release these energies for reasons unknown to us. This is why it’s so important to lean into our intuition and keep practicing it so we can resolve these types of dissonances.
Keep yourself in a high vibrational place: Spirits and entities are often times attracted to those who are lower vibrational. For spirits, not always, but a select few of them. Some are sent to “help” us, and others simply feel welcome in the space because we are lacking care for it, for ourselves, or for our outcome. The “healthier” that you are, the less likely that you’ll suffer from attachments. Of course this isn’t to say that healthy people don’t suffer from attachments, but I find it to be less likely. Focus on yourself vs. focusing on the hauntings as much as humanly possible. Note that as you make this switch, the behavior may increase as a reaction to it, but remain strong strong in your convictions, so long as again, you feel safe.
Be really smart about your space: Spirits and entities are more likely to take hold of homes which are more toxic and unhealthy. This can be in a physical, mental or emotional way. They are also more likely to cling onto items which aren’t used regularly, as they lack our resonant energy. So cluttered, messy homes can often times be more of a target. There are also lots of things you can fill your home with to help it maintain a high vibration. You can use crystals and sage to cleanse your space. Often times an abundance of natural light helps, as well. Ensure that it’s well kept and clean. I even find that religious items (any religion) which you associate with or hold in high value can help to claim your space as well. Ensure that you have “claim” or “control” of your space in a positive way. For example, take care of it out of love and not out of self-projection and fear.
They won’t hurt you: While I understand there have been accounts of spirits “hurting” those who are living, I find it so incredibly rare. Spirits and entities don’t want to physically hurt you, they want to scare you. And often times mental, emotional and psychological scares are much m ore prominent. It’s such a severe and rare instance when an entity hurts a human. If that is the case of course, ensure that you leave. But regardless of this potential happening, you can always release the connection and/or move locations. To be honest, even as a medium, it’s not something I remotely worry about. Negative entities want to do bad things to you, but typically not in a physical way. And know that if it is mental, emotional or spiritual, it’s all for show. So ultimately, there’s really nothing to worry about.
Remain consistent: While all of this is great advice, it doesn’t do much if you’re not incredibly consistent with it. It’s easy to kind of “forget”, particularly if things seem to change. Or, if they get worse. But often times it’s a process. And as the case with releasing our own negative energy, the key is consistency. So it’s also the case with other entities, as well.