69. The Buoy Effect
Something which comes up over and over again is what I like to call the “buoy effect”. Although the effect doesn’t necessarily resemble a buoy itself, it’s more about the idea.
I consider our energetic bodies as well as the parts of it which are less known to us (such as our fractaled parts as well as our higher self) to be completely inter-connected. Essentially our physical as well as our mental and emotional states are strongly correlated. On top of that, everything seems to ladder up to an overarching theme.
Say for example you’re struggling with the concept of self-love. On one hand, it may be challenging for you to provide positive self-affirmations, or generally feel that you’re worthy of love. Perhaps you’re generally unhappy, or feel similar painful emotions. At the same time, it’s likely that you’re struggling with providing love for yourself physically. Perhaps your’e neglecting your health, or your environment and setting is in disarray.
So in this situation, we can deduce that you may be struggling with self-love overall. Since this is the root spiritual cause, it’s going to play out in physical as well as mental and emotional ways. But say for example you’re fixating on one particular physical manifestation. Say you’re struggling with keeping your home clean. Rather than necessarily fixating on why you can’t do this, look to the overarching theme. In some ways, you may be able to help “resolve” other aspects of your mental and emotional state.
As a result, this “buoys” up your vibration and help assist and aid in your overarching theme learnings. I feel that we tend to fixate on smaller symptoms or details, but we neglect the theme as a whole. When we do end up fixating so solely on one or two physical manifestations, it ultimately sort of gets us no where. We feel trapped and like we can’t fix it at all. It’s because it’s not really the way we should be doing things.
Consider what overarching themes you’re struggling with. Maybe it’s healing, maybe it’s boundaries, maybe it’s grief or loss. If you’re struggling with understanding what your overarching theme is, consider different patterns in your life. Positive and negative. What’s the running theme? Or what issues do you continue to face personally? Are there particular people you tend to keep attracting? All of this information is relevant and insightful. Once you deduce your overarching theme or themes (as often times we have a few), you can work to understand what physical or mental/emotional manifestations are a result. Consider that not all overarching themes are negative, but sometimes they swing negative. Typically when we are given an overarching theme, it’s often times simultaneously a strength as well as a weakness. This is because it’s top of our mind as well as our abilities, and we continue to challenge these strengths in order to gain wisdom and learn.
But remember, if you’re fixating on something, consider broadening your scope. While I admit it absolutely works for some, it’s quite frankly never worked for me. Because I’m limiting myself to all of the information and knowledge.